Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

When the body sleeps

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, when I was younger I became able to sense I was dreaming and affect the events of the dream, wish myself awake and fly. One day, I had a dream I never forgot. I was alone in a childhood friend’s house and kids were trying to break in. I escaped to the backyard. The kids broke through as a gorilla peered over the fence and joined in. I jumped on the fence and took flight, peering down at the house alone in a grassy plain. I then wondered how high I could go and struggled to go higher. Feeling I was going above the clouds a hand grabbed me and pulled me violently backwards; I awoke in my bed. I have never been able to control my dreams or fly ever again. Was there any message or meaning? ~Christian, Canada

ANSWER: As the physical covering of your soul (your body) goes through its restorative period (sleep), your conscious soul, of which you are normally unaware, takes over your thought processes. Most people having any remembrance of this time period call the snippets of information “dreams.”

Your soul engages in a number of different things during this period. It sometimes goes back and relives experiences it had previously, test-drives ideas it has for new experiences, insinuates itself into someone else’s life or dream sequences, confers with its advisors, or entertains itself in some other manner. A number of spiritual groups refer to this as “going to night school.” Depending on the intensity of the involvement, you may even wake up tired afterwards instead of rested.

Frequently what will pop up during this time are activities that played through your head prior to sleep. This can be the result of a movie, a novel, or anything else to which you gave a lot of thought. Abilities you possess as a soul, which are a part of your being but which you cannot perform with a physical body, such as flying, figure prominently in dreams—particularly in children because the abilities have so recently become impossible.

Your conscious mind, when it becomes aware of these memories of things in which you can no longer participate because of your physicality, makes attempts to prevent a continuance of these behaviors. One of the results is that you snap back into the physical body with a jolt. If the conscious mind becomes awake during a session, it will try to prevent the continuation of something it knows you cannot do. This will result in a physical sensation of restraint.

As you relax into accepting your true identity as a soul, you can tell your unconscious that you wish to dream about your ability to complete some act. This gives you permission to spend time exploring whatever you wish. Happy travels.

More than the eye can see

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I just read your answer to “the amazing relationship” and it pushed me to open up and ask about a guy I’ve been sharing time with. I’ve known he is not the right guy for me but I felt to share some company. He seemed sweet and harmless; then I saw different characters coming out, then he retreated to the sweet-faced child often looking shocked and startled. It worries me.
I’ve persevered, but I’ve found myself yelling my lungs out at him with instant anger and my head feels bothered, haunted by thoughts that seem to cling.
He does strange things, I feel very affected. I get exhausted, tummy sick, warning flags! What have I let in? ~Krista, France

ANSWER: Your acquaintance’s body is harboring several discarnate spirits within. He is consciously unaware of who and what he is at this time. He invited these spirits to join him in a period of loneliness as a child and they have been with him ever since. They will remain unless, and until, he un-invites them and tells them to take a hike. Since he is not aware of their existence this may not occur while he is in this body.

The sweet-faced child is part of his personality which has not evolved since the others joined with him. These beings have brought a lot of negativity with them and that influences not only your friend but also anyone who is in his presence. This is the reason that you feel physical discomforts when in his presence or after being with him for a period of time.

The spirits love to create havoc and will start fights and be insensitive and nasty to get reactions out of you. When you try your hardest to understand the situation, you are unconsciously saying “let me understand you” and that is opening the door for these same discarnates to attempt to connect to you. You perceive it as a clinging—and it is! Heed those warning flags and take off—unless you want to experience further effects of these unhappy negative souls.

An orange mist

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I recently went through orange mist whilst driving with my husband on a dark lonely road.  The orange mist was gritty and was about 6 meters long by 4 meters high and hovered over the road.  The mist emitted a smell not familiar to both of us, perhaps a little bit sweet. Would you please explain if this was an orb or a manmade substance? ~Janice, Australia

ANSWER: This mist was not an orb. An orb is a structure souls visiting from Home frequently use to be seen by humans when they do not want to take the effort to construct a physical-appearing body. They are generally circular in appearance and may have faces within but normally contain geometric shapes, which are one of the means we have for communicating. Orbs are frequently not sufficiently vibrational to be seen by the human eye and must be observed digitally or on film.

There are other ways that souls may be seen. They may manifest ectoplasm that appears filmy or smoky. Discarnates who have not gone back home yet may develop this as a way to be seen and to let people know they are around. Some use it as a means to scare humans.

Next we must discuss purely physical molecular material that has an affinity to clump together due to its composition of electrons. This may be particulate matter or living matter such as micro-organisms. What you came upon was a combination of inorganic and organic organisms.

The mist was composed of minuscule organisms that were disturbed by nature and man that were light enough to take flight. The same event that set the particulars free also disturbed the surrounding dust and decayed substances. The organisms were able to feed off of some of the debris, so they clung together. What you smelled was the combined odors of the entire mass. It was hovering near the ground because the winds had died down and the mass was getting ready to settle.