Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Sharing a dream

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I dreamed of a famous singer who just recently passed. In my dream he showed me the most beautiful treasure boxes. He asked me if I would make them for people on Earth to give them a sense of the spiritual to create a peaceful environment—so I did. I’ve made over 70 boxes since then and his spirit has been all around me through his music. I’ve met people who knew him as a kid. I’ve been giving prophecy of events that he and I were supposed to encounter. This has been something I’ve never experienced before. I am certain I traveled to another dimension and met with him. ~Michelle, US

ANSWER: You have had a very profound experience in which you traveled to a non-physical dimension to meet your singer. This is not an unusual happening as most souls travel out of their bodies at night while the physical aspects of themselves are rejuvenating. Rest assured that all souls maintain a firm contact with their body or it would cease to function.

What has occurred in your life is that his request has become an obsession that has begun to control your life. You wish this contact to be much more than fulfilling a request. The boxes themselves represent the sharing of love, beauty, and peace ideals his soul has asked you to carry on. You have been living in that positive environment and it has brought to you other people who are, or were, as connected to him or influenced by him as you have been.

For you this energy has not been enough. You want to believe that if he had remained longer in physical form, you would have had a life together. He left exactly when he had planned to leave, and therefore would not have been around to do the things with you that you have been imagining.

Embrace the connection with his soul, but do so with an open mind not influenced by your imagination or by physical needs and desires. Your lesson here is to live your life within the physical limits of a body, being truthful and accepting of day-to- day interactions with those in other bodies with whom you are sharing Earth space.

Maintaining contact

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, my son died in December 2008. He contacted me a few days after to let me know everything was ok; it was a very special feelingit was nice, lovely, impossible to describe exactly the good sensation I had. It would have been his 34th birthday today. Since then, I feel bad or sick every year for a few days around his birthday. This year I’m ok and without thinking of him I was unable to sleep last night and woke up many times during the night. This morning I realized something is going on here. Mother-child links are strong and maybe he is trying to communicate with me. Do you think he is having a message for me? If so, what could it be and how can I find it? ~Ginette, Canada

ANSWER: Your son loved you very much. You have shared several lifetimes together and one of the contracts you had for this life was for him to provide you with the lessons of abandonment, survivor’s guilt, and a physical sense of unconditional love.

One of the purest of physical sensations is the physical and emotional love possible between a parent and child, particularly the mother and child. She has carried and nurtured the child from the moment of conception until they are parted by some force or other. In most cases that love is unaffected by anything the child does—Mom is accepting of all foibles.

In human terms, parents are not supposed to out-live their children. When a child returns Home while the parent stays behind, the parent feels abandoned by their charge. It doesn’t matter if the child has not lived with them for decades—they are not supposed to inflict such pain on their parents. A longing begins to relive the days when the child was dependent.

Staying behind engenders a guilt that you have cheated fate and your child was taken instead of you. Why did you survive while he died? Digging into these feelings allows you to learn more about yourself. You will discover that all people are responsible for their own path, making choices both before coming and after arriving.

You have put a lot of work into integrating your lessons. Your son says, “Way to go, Mom!”

Night fears

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I frequently have a sleep-walking type of nightmare where I wake up and I think people are in my bedroom for a period of time before I come to my senses (generally after getting out of bed and turning the light on to inspect the room). Recently it has been a figure above my bed, and a body within my mattress which was terrifying. Other times it’s a bit less extreme but invasion of my bedroom nonetheless. This has gone on for awhile now. Could you offer any explanation? Is it just stress? Thank You! ~Louisa: USA

ANSWER: You may call it sleep walking; we call it journeying while your body sleeps. The soul gets bored if it has to remain completely in your physical body while it is going through the necessary regeneration process (sleep). The solution for your soul is to maintain a minimal contact with the body to keep it alive and functioning and to go off and study other lessons and visit with friends.

If the consciousness of the body is aware during this process, it is called an out-of-body experience, or OBE. You rarely have these. Mostly your sensations are due to the fact that your body consciousness kicks in before your soul has completely re-integrated with your body. You retain a shadow of the spirits you have just been visiting as a prolonged retinal image in the physical part of you.

This is somewhat like an overlay of where you have been on top of where you are now. Think of stepping in front of a projector showing your vacation video on your body as you are doing the dishes or something in the present time. If you concentrate on your actions, you are in the kitchen. If your concentration is on the video, you are at the beach.

The only stress produced is your reaction to the event. These occurrences can do no physical harm to you. Relax, enjoy the videos, and see if you can remember who it is you are getting the last glimpse of as they fade away.