Intense “spirituality”
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011QUESTION: Masters, I met someone on my birthday this year (date = 11:11).The meeting was so intense it seemed like a twin flame union. I had never heard about twin flames before! My life changed completely. His level of spirituality is so strong he seems like a master himself. When I met him, I was convinced he was a soul mate. I’m almost “scared” of him, like I feel like he wants to “kill” me spiritually. Having witnessed such strong spirituality it is selfishly hard to let go. ~Erika, Canada
ANSWER: We are a bit confused by your reference to the physical sensations you experienced being equated with spirituality. You experienced romantic lust feelings. Spirituality has no physical aspect to it. Pure spirituality is a sense of being able to feel yourself and the depth of the universe within you. It is the attainment of unconditional love while in physical form, and a connection to your essence, which is still partially at Home. It does not take another individual to activate or to reach this sensation. It is a state of non-judgmental, unconditional love devoid of any fear or doubt. It resonates with every inch of your physicality with no negativity at all.
There are those in human form who are charismatic and speak as if they have all the knowledge conceivable. Ask yourself if all you feel coming from this man is love—no fear, no doubts, no judgment of one thing being any better than any other—just the desire to share a loving environment with you. If it is, then why do you feel fear? Why do you sense he wants to steal your essence?
Some apparently “spiritual” people gather around them a group of followers so that they might feel “mastery” over others. You live in a duality, and half the energy on the planet is negative. Powerful negative energy can take your breath away. It can make you doubt yourself and your senses. There is an excitement about it that is not duplicated anywhere else. Negativity has an intensity whose innate danger feels appealing.
In any situation always ask yourself first how you feel, then why you feel that particular way. The answers will take you to the lessons you are being confronted with and the reason you have not learned what you need in order to move on. Any time you are caught in the “spotlight” of a new experience, it is very important to step out of that light for a while so you may evaluate what it is. If it is what you wish to experience, you simply have to step back in when you are ready.