Walk-ins vs. attachments
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011QUESTION: Masters, what is the explanation, or the explanations, for the experience of people who interpret spiritual change in themselves as what has been, very broadly, called a walk-in soul change? Ruth Montgomery coined the phrase, channeling guides through automatic writing. They said it was when a soul willingly exits and another agrees to take over. However, one of those she profiled, who was supposedly a famous person who had ‘come back’, told me—and this was channeled via his guide—that, instead, his original soul was always there but had been ‘enhanced’ by an assisted, transformative ‘link-up’ with other soul energies’ info for a greater task. Others have still more varied understanding of their apparent changes. Is any of this real? Is it ‘walk-in’ or what can we understand it to be? ~Patrick, UK
ANSWER: There are such things as walk-ins where one soul is finished with its body and another steps in without having to go through childhood. The phrase appeared first in the Seth materials. There are never a lot of walk-ins on the planet at one time—it is actually quite rare.
That said, there is another reason for the experience some people have of their personality’s changing during their lifetime. There are those, such as your mentioned soul, who have an entirely different experience: They are taken over by another soul (a discarnate), and both exist in the body until the soul’s body commands the possessor to vacate.
When a person dies and their consciousness does not want to admit they have died, or they want to remain on Earth instead of going back Home, they need another body if they wish to interact with other humans. They cannot just jump into someone else without their consent, so they generally try to convince the living person that they can benefit them in some fashion.
In the reported case, the famous person craved even more fame and the discarnate came along and promised him that together they could do even greater things. This was tantamount to an invitation that was accepted by the spirit, and a joining took place. The confusion about what happened, which came through the guide, was the result of the soul’s not having learned the lesson of responsibility and still trying to figure out the event in a way that appeared to be positive.
A moderate form of change can also occur when a discarnate energy attaches itself to a person and influences their behavior and thinking. It does not enter into the body but is present at times to give its “opinions” to the human. This is fairly frequent when you have a person who does not like to make decisions and is constantly asking other people for their opinion.