Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Walk-ins vs. attachments

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, what is the explanation, or the explanations, for the experience of people who interpret spiritual change in themselves as what has been, very broadly, called a walk-in soul change? Ruth Montgomery coined the phrase, channeling guides through automatic writing. They said it was when a soul willingly exits and another agrees to take over. However, one of those she profiled, who was supposedly a famous person who had ‘come back’, told me—and this was channeled via his guide—that, instead, his original soul was always there but had been ‘enhanced’ by an assisted, transformative ‘link-up’ with other soul energies’ info for a greater task. Others have still more varied understanding of their apparent changes. Is any of this real? Is it ‘walk-in’ or what can we understand it to be?  ~Patrick, UK

ANSWER: There are such things as walk-ins where one soul is finished with its body and another steps in without having to go through childhood. The phrase appeared first in the Seth materials. There are never a lot of walk-ins on the planet at one timeit is actually quite rare.

That said, there is another reason for the experience some people have of their personality’s changing during their lifetime. There are those, such as your mentioned soul, who have an entirely different experience: They are taken over by another soul (a discarnate), and both exist in the body until the soul’s body commands the possessor to vacate.

When a person dies and their consciousness does not want to admit they have died, or they want to remain on Earth instead of going back Home, they need another body if they wish to interact with other humans. They cannot just jump into someone else without their consent, so they generally try to convince the living person that they can benefit them in some fashion.

In the reported case, the famous person craved even more fame and the discarnate came along and promised him that together they could do even greater things. This was tantamount to an invitation that was accepted by the spirit, and a joining took place. The confusion about what happened, which came through the guide, was the result of the soul’s not having learned the lesson of responsibility and still trying to figure out the event in a way that appeared to be positive.

A moderate form of change can also occur when a discarnate energy attaches itself to a person and influences their behavior and thinking. It does not enter into the body but is present at times to give its “opinions” to the human. This is fairly frequent when you have a person who does not like to make decisions and is constantly asking other people for their opinion.

Overhearing discarnates

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I had a waking dream/vision thingy, where two evil entities were talking in bed. Part of the conversation was of great importance, I quote ‘We trap their souls in (it was either their or our) mind so they can feel everything that’s going on but don’t know why or have any control.’ There were also some other interesting bits, but that’s the main point I wish to know as I have never come across anything like that or heard of anything like that before, except possibly in coma patients. Is it possible for a soul/spirit to be trapped? If so how can one fight against or reverse such practices? Also whilst here have you ever heard of people or demons (for use of terminology) being able to drain and empty another person’s energy or soul/spirit? ~Phillip, UK

ANSWER: You do a lot of astral projection and out-of-body travels. You just happened to pop in on some discarnates (souls that have left their bodies but have not gone Home) and overheard their plans. What they were talking about is the possession of a physical body both by the original soul and by a discarnate soul who enters and overpowers the consciousness of the owner.

First, let us be perfectly clear: A discarnate cannot enter into a soul’s body unless it is invited into the body in some fashion. It doesn’t have to be a formal invitation. The person can be despondent or drunk and say something like it would be nice to have a lover or companion and BAM! the wandering soul steps in. If the recipient is a weak-willed person and the inhabitor is stronger, he will take over the personality of the body, imprisoning the consciousness so that it no longer makes decisions for its own body.

We are talking only of the physical consciousness of the body; we are not talking about an imprisonment of the soul. This is a lesson for the soul to learn how to extricate itself from the situation it started. With effort, the soul may affect the consciousness enough to involve another party who can help it recognize what is happening and tell the discarnate it is no longer welcome within the host body.

You can prevent such an occurrence by watching what you give permission for and by shying away from the use of such things as Ouija boards, where you are inviting anything drifting around to come and play with you. Every morning when you awake, if you ask your guides and the universe to allow only beings of the light and those coming to you for the highest and greatest good to interact with you, you are protected from darkness.

Coma patients are trapped within the body without a means of expression but very rarely ever have a possessor present because it would also be trapped.

Energy vampires that drain one of energy don’t have to be non-physical or discarnate. Any soul that is negative has the ability to pull energy from your physical being if you have not protected yourself as described above. It is almost impossible for it to drain enough energy to have your body cease functioning, but it can make you susceptible to illness. One who cares for very ill or dying people has to watch that the sick do not drain energy to try to heal themselves instead of moving on. In these cases, the soul is not affected at all.

Why no contact from beyond?

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, my mother was an accomplished astrologer, psychic, all around very spiritual person. She taught classes on Astrology, Dream Research, Reincarnation study, did Hypnosis for Past Life Regression and studied Eckankar. I have heard St Michael call to me as a child. She spoke to him regularly. We were raised Catholic. She believed she was living dual physical lives. She passed away suddenly 19 years ago at age 47. She has never manifested herself or contacted myself or either of my two siblings. This makes me question all my faith and beliefs. If anyone would try to reach me, she would. I barely even dream of her. ~Kelly, USA

ANSWER: Each soul is on its own journey. When one is on Earth and gets so involved in dozens of belief systems, and then tries to integrate them into a single lifestyle, she may feel she is living dual—or even triple or quadruple—lives. It is even more confusing when the chosen lifestyle is so different from the religious belief system that the individual practices.

Not all souls choose to maintain contact with those left behind unless it is part of a contract entered into before all the parties came into being. Part of your lessons include going through the various doubts you find yourself enmeshed in at this time. You must first ask: Why do you feel you need her to manifest? Is this the only thing that will make you accept your belief systems? How do you feel about your beliefs? Take each one and examine it. Keep it only if it resonates with who you are at this time.

The only way that your mother’s soul could come through to you is if you stopped trying so hard for her to be there. It is easiest for her to come to you when you are  in a meditative state and your mind is completely clear. It is extremely difficult for a soul to manifest a physical countenance; it therefore rarely happens.

It is not unusual for you to stop dreaming of a person who has been gone for 19 years. Relax into a life of working on your own spirituality, which will allow you to rid yourself of heavy, negative, Earthy energy. Work on loving yourself and bringing universal, unconditional energy as the default condition of your life. You will be reaching toward your mother and contact will be easier.