Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Blast of negativity

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, weeks ago I went to a shopping mall with my girlfriend. All of a sudden I felt the presence of an enormous dense energy come from above. I almost lost consciousness, heart pounding, fear that I can’t control and hardly able to focus my thinking. I was struggling to maintain my consciousness for like more than half an hour. My girlfriend did feel the presence but not as extreme as I was and I think none of the crowd around felt it. I do have previous experiences encounter entities/ghost/lost souls but this time it was different – It doesn’t circle around, it just drop. Some say it was an energy vortex. I initially thought it was some sort of psychic attack. Was it true that this was an energy(negative) vortex? Does it affect other people in the crowd (knowing or not) as well? ~SMD, Malaysia

ANSWER: To be aware to any degree of the energy around you, you have to be open to sensing it. Just as someone needs to be empathetic to another’s problems in order to understand where the person is at, you need to reach out to others and absorb their pain. Not everyone feels energy because, first, they don’t believe it exists; and second, they close themselves away from any connection to others.

People who walk through life unaware of anything but their own problems cannot sense at all—and that is the majority of society. Others, like you, want to experience everything that is possible in life, so you are totally open to everything that is going on in the world.

This was not a psychic attack against you but was exposure to massive amounts of negativity. Since you live your life in mostly positive thoughts and actions, this hit you like a blast out of a fire hose. It differed from your previous experiences since it was not a single discarnate soul drifting around with its negative energy but a sustained amount of gathered negativity.

Likes attract likes and sometimes stay stagnant in an area until something causes them to move on. Vortexes are swirling masses of energy that can be limited to a specific area or connected to a deeper source and continue to produce additional energy. What you encountered was an energy vortex of gathered negativity. It was rotating like a tornado and you were sucked into it. A large group of young people had spent time near this area where they were planning how to exact revenge against two people they thought had disrespected them.

When you are out and about in public areas it would be a good idea to cover yourself in protective white light so you are not so vulnerable to negativity.


Psychic abilities

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, I wonder if I’m insane or if I actually have this power. I feel like I can literally feel other people, like I’m so connected to them that if I try I can actually become them. I don’t think I’m psychic, but I definitely feel intuitive to a strong degree, like I can sense how someone is feeling. I often feel like a chameleon, being able to be other people if I choose, as I can feel them. Is this real? ~Peter, UK

ANSWER: You are very empathic, which means you can feel the energy around you. Most people, if they open themselves to the atmosphere in a room, can tell when there has been an angry argument or tumultuous laughter occurring in the space before they arrived. This is residual energy. People who are upset give off waves of their emotional feelings which can easily be read by others. You may call this using your intuition or your psychic ability.

As with each soul, you have the choice to decide exactly how you wish to feel. If you are having a sad day and come upon people who are laughing and having a good time, you may open to their happiness and transform your state to match theirs or remain morose. This is easy enough to do, but most people like to share their negativity with others; they don’t want to become happy just because others are, but would rather try to get others to become unhappy to join their mood.

One definition of psychic is the ability to perceive that which is invisible. Therefore, anyone who senses the moods of others, is able to feel fear or sexuality, or employs intuition is psychic. It is very real but impossible to measure or show to anyone else.

This is not becoming the other person; it is mimicking their emotional state. You are definitely not crazy but more aware of energy than most people. It is not a strange power but the recognition of power as it is given off by others.

The power of numbers

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I was told in a dream a series of numbers and felt I was to write them on my partner’s foot, which had been very painful for several days. I was also to give the numbers to her on a piece of paper to speak aloud through the day. The foot was healed. I came across a book on angels communicating through numbers. Would you elaborate on this phenomenon? Was this valid or am I just really “out there”? ~Sheila USA

ANSWER: Numbers, both written and spoken, create vibrations. All energy is vibrational. Healing, or balancing, energy is conveyed on vibrational waves. You may use numbers, colors, geometric shapes, crystals, or sound vibrations to help alter, correct, or restore out-of-balance parts of the physical body.

Communications occur between souls, such as angels or humans, via vibrations of one sort or another. They may also be used to create a variation in the internal harmony of physical flesh. Non-physical souls do not have the ability to talk as humans because they do not have bodies. They therefore use vibrational means of “talking” to others.

[There have been some interesting studies using numbers done in Russia by Grigori Grabovoi. Amazon has several of his “number” books. —Editor]