Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Hearing from the non physicals

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, I’m having a terrible time. A couple of weeks ago I had a dream of my deceased friend who I felt I needed to contact through drawing that turned into automatic writing! (Whoops! And it wasn’t him, he had passed into the Light) Instead of him, I started hearing this disincarnate. I’ve happily helped send a good many souls to the Light but am very confused on how to stop overhearing them, which is worst when I first wake up. I don’t know who my spirit guides are, and many of these folks around me pretend to be my guides but then after I learn the lesson they came to teach they wander off. I’m a loving servant of the Light and want to help if it’s needed, but I don’t want to anger anyone either. Please help? ~Amy, Canada

ANSWER: If a soul contacts you and you tell it to leave you alone, or stop talking to you, if it is in the light, it will not be angered. It will just do as you ask and go on its way. In the light there is no negativity. There is no judgment that would entertain anger, only an evaluation of whether you want their assistance or not. You, the human, are in charge of your journey. The spirits, guides, and energies of the light are merely around to offer assistance—but only when they have been asked.

There are a lot of stuck negative-energy souls. Out of fear or emotional connection to Earth, they have not gone into the light. The only way they can get anything physically done is to talk a human into doing it for them. They are basically negativity-driven, so they start by lying to you and telling you whatever they think will get you to listen to them. If you feel anger when you assert yourself with them, you are dealing with a negative being.

In your haste to talk to your deceased friend, the discarnate found a willing ear. Your friend will be able to communicate with you through automatic writing once he gets the hang of it. Give him some time now that he knows you are interested. Some of the souls who have stopped by with information were enlisted by you before you incarnated to visit and remind you of things you would be able to use in your journey.

Your guides change constantly. They come into your life for a particular purpose and then move on when it is accomplished to leave room for the next one who is there to help you with your next task. As you fall asleep at night, put out the intention that you communicate only with beings of the light who will come forth for the highest and greatest good. The voices in the morning are those soliciting your attention.

Channeling living people

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, is it possible to channel spirits of living people without any sort of permission? It’s happened only a few times… when I’m in an argument with someone very close to me–I channel one of their ex-girlfriends or boyfriends in the heat of the angry moment in locations where I think former arguments that I’m channeling took place. It happens subconsciously as if I’m teaching a lesson? In all cases I was shocked and embarrassed by what came out of my mouth the next day. I don’t understand how or why this happens, but I’d like to. ~Al, USA

ANSWER: When someone has had a highly emotional experience, a residual or shadow energy remains. When you engage in an argument with an individual, their unconscious mind will sometimes “leak” thoughts of other things that were very emotional in their past, and this broadcasts them out to sensitive individuals nearby. You are an extremely sensitive person and can hear these thoughts.

In your past lives you developed your psychic abilities to a fine degree. You were able to communicate with others through the intention of your mind alone. A modern-day psychic “knows” things by reaching out to the thoughts of a client and picking up the thoughts that the higher self or unconscious has stored from its experiences. You have this ability.

Your ability may be considered as super-sensitive hearing. It is like being able to hear what your next-door neighbor is talking about, but you don’t need voice-created sound waves to intercept thoughts. This is something that you can control as you see fit. What you do with it is up to you. It may be very important to some people to understand what they are projecting. It may explain to some people why others appear to have strange reactions to them that are, in fact, responses to their negative inner thoughts.

Controlled by prophecies

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, about 10 years ago, my girlfriend channeled through that I come from the stars, and my job is to have children and “other exports out of here”. We were “mercenaries” and have a “messenger”. Our lives did not go quite so, in fact, I own my actions and my problem in our world caused by the fact that I failed in getting children. Eventually, we parted, and the messenger is now away from me. I was left alone, but I now understand the effect on me. I do not know how to love, even if I got this strong message. Do I get my love, my messenger, back beside me? What is the “other exit”, also associated with the rise “Commander”? What is the job now? It was said also that I am here only once. ~Juha, Finland

ANSWER: There are a few facts in your question that we agree with and several more that we do not. You do not “come” from the stars; you come from Source, or Home. You have lived lives before on stars and have experience in intergalactic activities. You are here only once as the person that you now know as yourself; whether you come back or not is completely up to you once you complete this life, return home, debrief the events of this life, and decide what you wish to do next.

No souls choose to come to Earth to birth Earth humans to have them exported to the stars. Most of the outer coverings used by souls on the other planets are not like homo sapiens, and Earth children could not live on most other places. Since each soul decides what it wishes to do with its life, were a parent to make such a decision for a soul, that parent would be in violation of the freedom-of-choice principle that rules the universe.

It is true, at this time, that you do not know how to love—this is the major life lesson you came to Earth to learn. You have to find the love within you, that unconditional love which is the essence of your soul. You have to rid yourself of all negativity in the form of fears and doubts to connect easily with this energy. Nothing is preventing this integration but your own negative thoughts about yourself.

The “messenger” you have heard has been more than one entity. In the beginning it was a negative entity that was perpetuating the message you believe your girlfriend received; it came from an Earth-bound negative being who was having fun playing with you. Later, as things began to fall apart, the voice that came through was a guide trying to offer assistance. You can no longer hear the latter because you have lost faith in yourself.

In meditation, seek to establish contact with your guide; he is waiting. Let him help you work through your problems and reach love. That is your job now.