Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Gifts or anchors?

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, I have always been clairvoyant and grew up seeing other dimensions. When I was 29 I met a man and immediately fell in love. He felt the same way but was married with two young children and could not bear to leave his marriage. I could not stop crying because I had missed him so much for so many years and saw all of his astral selves. My experience with him opened up my holographic vision. It has been almost two years since we have been apart, and I cannot stop thinking about him or loving him. I have constant dreams of him in a blue light talking with me. I have felt lost spiritually and have hated my gifts. I cannot move forward no matter what I try. Can you tell me what this meeting was and why or if we will ever meet again in this lifetime, and what I can do to restore my spiritual faith? I don’t understand and am sad beyond words. ~Grace, USA

ANSWER: You had decided to come to Earth with a remembrance of a number of the gifts and abilities you had perfected in past lives. Some came easily to you and increased the range of feelings and emotions you were able to read and share with the souls with which you came in contact.

This soul appeared when he did to give you some perspective on your abilities and what you could do with them. He is one of your soul mates and, as you know, you have had many lifetimes with him. The two of you had not felt it necessary to be together in this period of time but rather for him to be a stimulus to awakening more of your skills. His path was to have a loving family, which he is guiding through life’s challenges.

You have let your third-dimensional romantic ideas take over and distract you from your spiritual journey. As with all of life’s interactions, this is neither right nor wrong. You may continue to pine for him to come into your life, which he has not planned, or you can thank him for the wake-up call he gave you and move on to something else.

You are acting like a spoiled little soul who has experienced Home again and does not want to have anything else but the ultimate. You don’t want to have to work anymore. One of your lessons concerns perspective: deciding what is it you came to learn and seeing whether you can disregard the distractions and get down to business.

Choose the positive feelings and follow their lead. If romance is your only goal, spirituality will be difficult to include. You don’t have to be a slave to your gifts, either. You may put them aside and move in another direction. Go into your intuition and feel your way forward.

Am I my aunt reincarnated?

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, I grew up in Child Protective Service custody having suffered extreme child abuse, neglect and molestations. In my adult life I have had abusive relationships. I have struggled with healing my entire life. I keep being drawn back to the thought of my aunt who was raped and killed 16 months before my birth—it is still an unsolved crime. I have read that when we die tragically we will bring those problems to our next life. I feel drawn to my aunt and I think about her even though I never knew her. I keep these things to myself but I think maybe I could be her. I want to find myself for I always felt lost and broken and drawn. Please help me understand why so I can move forward in this life. I am very confused and need answers for I have no one to confide in. ~Kim, USA

ANSWER: Everything that you planned for yourself in this life was of a traumatic quality. The underlying energy has been to find your self-worth and self-love. You are a soul who has had many lives in which you were preparing for this extreme experience. You have many friends on the other side who have been with you, trying to let you feel them and render a sense that you are not alone.

Your aunt is one of your guides, so therefore you are not she. She is from the same soul group as you. A “soul group” is made up of all the souls who were broken off from Source at the same time and have a lot of the same characteristics. You and she have had many lives together and have alternated being the guide and the person having experiences on Earth. She had chosen the transition in the manner she did so she would have some personal experiences with some of the lessons she hoped to be able to assist you to understand in your own life.

It is true that lessons you undertake in one lifetime, if not completed and understood because of leaving before they are finished, may be revisited in another life. This is not necessary if you learn the lesson in some other fashion, such as figuring out something similar and then being able to apply that knowledge to the trauma.

Trying to believe your life has been so horrendous because it was a continuation of your aunt’s has taken a little strain off of the fact that each soul is alone in the lessons they choose. The soul who was your aunt loves you dearly and constantly sends you love. Close your eyes and feel the love that is coming through. Take that energy and place it in your heart so you may access it any time it is needed.

That unconditional love is the essence of all souls. Using that energy, you will be able to understand your experiences so you may learn from them and heal. The universe is everywhereyou are never alone.

Sending off negative beings

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, for the past few years my twin brother and I have been followed by this strange dark heaviness that brings depression and stagnation in our lives especially at home. We want to be spiritual, but it’s as if we’re shot down after any progress. My brother and I have been hearing whispers, seeing shadows and have always felt a dark presence in our home and around us, but more so recently. What is this presence and how do we get rid of it? I can’t even meditate without attracting something really dense rather than something of a higher vibration. Also, since I was a child, mediums have said that I have something attached to me and that it’s not good. Is this all connected? I feel almost as if I’m getting my life and potential sucked out of me. Please help us. ~Mark, US

ANSWER: You have had a negative entity attached to you most of your life. Likes attract likes so your negativity is attracting and welcoming all sorts of other negative things. You find it almost impossible to meditate because you are letting down all of your defenses when you attempt to open to the non-physical world. They take this as an invitation to commune with you. Until you have sent your attachment packing you will never be alone. Your brother has also picked up a hitchhiker.

The energy is very much at home in your residence because that is where the energies can gather and be contained in a friendly environment. You are able to hear and see them because they are getting bolder in their feeling that you are welcoming them into your lives.

Trying to be spiritual is a threat to negativity because it brings in the positive energy of the light. You can use that energy to begin to break the hold the entities have on the two of you. The loose energies, those that are not attached, are the easiest to send away. They do not like light (candles) and smoke (particularly sage).

Use the smoke of a smudge stick to get into every corner of your house. As you are waving the smoking stick around say with conviction that you do not want any negativity to stay—that it all needs to move on. Wave smoke from head to foot around both your bodies as well.

You will need to get assistance to remove the attachments—especially yours, since it has been around so long. There are energy workers in your area who can help break the hold of this negativity.  It is very important that you also ask your guides to help protect you in the future from any return of this problem. They will be glad to assist you.