Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Is my daughter a reincarnated relative?

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, sometimes I think my 6-yr-old daughter is either reincarnated as a passed family member or maybe one of them is working through her sometimes. She randomly will tell me how proud she is of me for absolutely no reason. Is she, if so then who? Why did she choose me? I have been told that I have been Joan of Arc & Queen Elizabeth or Queen Victoria, is this true? (I cannot remember the Queen’s name now). A few people, unknown to one another, over the years have called me Rachel/Rachelle, Why is this? What am I supposed to be doing right now in life? How can I become more grounded? What do you see? ~Roxanne, US

ANSWER:  Your daughter is very psychic. She is in contact with a number of spirit friends, some of whom are your familial deceased relatives and friends. You and she are also from the same soul group although you have not chosen to be incarnated at the same time previously. She is so glad to be with you in this life that she can’t help but comment from time to time. You have always had one of you on the other side acting as a guide; this time you are both here.

You have had a very large number of previous lives. You have been famous people—some for their entire life and some for just a stage of their life that you were really interested in experiencing. You have not had a particular trend of things that you wished to do, so you have tried a little of this and that.

The name calling is just a slip of the tongue or a case in which you reminded the person of someone of that name. It is very common, particularly at the first introduction, that someone can get the first letter of your name right, but not having heard the whole name, will add a familiar name instead. You have never been known by Rachel/Rachelle in a past life.

As with all souls, you are exactly where you intended to be so that you might experience what you desired. You are in the process of learning and making decisions, what we call using your freedom of choice. This is the way you gather wisdom of life.

You become more grounded by always living in the moment. Be aware of where you are and what you are doing. Don’t spend time replaying the past or minutely planning the future. Go with the flow of the energy around you, observing what is happening and interacting with it to get the experiences.

Crop Circles

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, I live close to Wiltshire in UK and have been visiting the Crop Circles that appear here every summer. Could you shed any light on the cause of these? I do feel an energy shift when I enter them but wonder if this is just because I want to? I know some are man made but some feel too complex and have such perfect geometric designs to be man made. What are they trying to convey? Many thanks! ~Vicki, England

ANSWER: Before the introduction of speech, and humans, to the universe, communication between souls was accomplished using geometric symbols. Each design has not only a visual appearance, but also an energetic signature as it meets the rest of the energy surrounding it. This energy transmission has been recognized and used by humans from earliest known times. Many religions (crosses and icons), governments (seals, flags), landowners (hex signs), and people in general (good luck charms) rely on the power of a sign. Astrology figures in transits and other planetary alignments and movements, and feng shui uses balancing energies to level a living space.

Crop circles are notes, sign posts, advertisements, and educational messages from several different sources. The man-made ones are hoaxes created by those wishing to get noticed. There are Earth energies, such as those that create measurable vortexes and ley lines, that comment on the fragile eco system. There are those that are communiqués from non-human souls currently having an experience on a planet other than Earth who wish to provide information and support. And finally, some non-physical beings from the higher dimensions such as guides, angels, and masters attempt to pass on their wisdom.

The basic principle behind all the circles is encouragement for those who will listen. The feelings you obtain from entering the circle are part of the message. Do you feel fear, happiness, love, stability? These are all a means of communication using energy. The appearance of the pattern triggers responses of a different kind in people who are visually oriented. The message is contained on many levels. Just go with the flow and see what the design says to you and how it makes you feel. That is your message.

Slipping between dimensions

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, I´ve had a few experiences I am hoping you could help me enlighten. While resting the other day, I was fully conscious but unable to move entirely. It felt like a deeper meditation/trance state, than I have been before. There was a strong light and a rush of intense energy, lasting for about five seconds going through my body. It happened about 4-5 times. There was also a lot of noise, buzzing, and I could hear people talking. After this experience I have been hearing sounds in my daily life, about a week at a time. They remind me of my brain sounds, high and low pitch frequencies that changes all the time and are always there. But these sounds are deeper and do not come from my head. What was that strong rush going through my body? And what are these sounds in my head, and the ones I am hearing? ~Maria, Norway

ANSWER:  The human body is the temporary housing of your magnificent soul. The body needs to have rest and regeneration, but the soul is eternally energetic. When the body goes into periods of rest, the soul does not stick around inside—it goes visiting. It maintains a connection with its current body at all times. The body’s awareness is what the human mind perceives at the moment.

When a soul fully re-enters its body, there can be a period when the conscious awakens before sufficient soul energy has come back to allow the body to be reanimated. During this transition, the conscious awareness may be in between the physical realm of the third dimension where it is living a life and another dimension where the soul had been spending time while the body slept or meditated.

Occasionally, there is not a complete closing of the dimensions when the conscious mind becomes aware of “another place.” When that happens, the ability to hear other souls in that place remains even after a complete reintegration of body and soul. You are bridging the gap between the physical dimension of your body and the places your soul visits.

You have complete control over your participation. If you feel uncomfortable in this dual existence, send the message to the universe to shut it down. If you wish to understand and participate more fully, ask for the assistance of your guides. When you go into a rest phase, do so with your intentions for remembering and participation very clearly in your head. Make your decisions and then enjoy adventure or quiet.