Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Protection and justice against demons

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, what protection is there for citizens of this world who have been engaged by demonic spirits and unlawfully held captive and tortured? When citizens of this world have human rights and freedoms seriously abused who do we call upon and who assures justice? ~Alma, Canada

ANSWER: Negative spirits in this world cannot just pop into your life and take you hostage. A discarnate, a soul that has abandoned a deceased body, drifts around for whatever reason with nothing but a desire not to return Home to unconditional love. It may want to get revenge for some believed acts against itself, or to experience a sense of control it never had while incarnate in a physical body.

Live souls in bodies have to give permission to these discarnates before they can enter into the person’s body. This agreement may be something as simple as the spirit saying, “I bet you can’t feel me if I enter your body,” and the person saying, “I bet I can.” This grants permission for the spirit to enter. Frequently, lonely people are first “courted,” and then when they express love or gratitude, the demon enters and takes over.

Souls come to Earth to live in a negative/positive duality. On a spiritual level, there is nothing that is unlawful or unjust about any experience that the soul undertakes. What you refer to as human rights and freedoms are ego-/judgment-based, third-dimensional societal belief systems. No human policing body even acknowledges the possibility of a human-vs.-spirit interaction. Third-dimensional people do not believe in nonphysical beings.

Spirits as positive souls, in their essential state of being, don’t judge any activity. Souls merely observe the event and evaluate whether an action they are observing is something they wish to experience, or something in which they choose not to engage.

Interactions a person makes in the third-dimensional, everyday world are governed by the social norms for that activity. This has nothing to do with spirituality, but everything to do with a soul’s experiencing its life lessons—the reason it is on Earth in the first place. A soul may even have chosen to incarnate in an area where human rights are not considered, in order to learn what that feels like.

Are we witches?

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters, yesterday my fiancé’s mom and I had a life-changing experience. I tried to kill myself and my fiancé’s mom channeled me without my knowing. At the same time I was projecting to her without knowledge. She did every action I did to a tee and being experienced with weapons she could figure out how to work the gun. I couldn’t manage the pull back. She thought she was under psychic attack and called my poor fiancé, who was dealing with me at home. When she told him what happened, and her feelings during the event, it was a carbon copy of what I had done. Are my fiancé, his mom, and I practicing witches? How do we control these new-found gifts to use for good and our family’s well-being? ~Dana, North America

ANSWER: First, you are not witches. You are a group of very sensitive individuals who, through your connection and interaction, can “hear” the intense feelings others within the group are experiencing. Not only is your fiancé’s mother able to pick up on the strong emotions you are projecting, but she has them intensified by her son’s experiences as well. This is like a radio broadcast that doesn’t have a lot of power but is receivable by certain precisely tuned equipment. Your fiancé, when he is emotionally involved in a situation, intensifies further any energies that are around.

Your fiancé’s mother has been able to tune in to people before, but never under such intense situations. She thought she was guessing what someone was thinking, or that she had read their body language. Your emotions were so intense that she felt she was doing what she was feeling. This reaction is like a psychic attack, but it’s not really an attack, rather an interception of the energy.

Some people are natural receivers (picking up the thoughts of others) and some are better senders (projecting their thoughts and actions to others). You are a sender and she is a receiver. To make use of these abilities you need to practice. You can increase your reception ability with time. It is a useful way to stay in touch and to reach out to others. Only time will tell what benefits you will derive.

Personality projection

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

QUESTION: Masters – several months ago I went into a local shop and was served by the young lady at the counter. She stared at me in disbelief for several long seconds and made me feel nervous and uncomfortable. Now whenever I go in, there is an atmosphere that is palpable and awkward. I would like to ask her what this was all about, but I am too nervous. She cannot be attracted to me as I am too old and scruffy. My question is, what does this young lady see about me or around me that others do not? Is it colours, or my energy field that may be strong due to spiritual work? Is it a quantum field that she can see and doesn’t comprehend? Or have I got hold of the wrong end of the stick completely? This has happened before with people but this is the first time I have really wondered. What takes place here? ~Cooper, England

ANSWER: You and the clerk are from the same soul group so she was able to “feel” your energy when you entered the shop. You have experienced several lives together. Your lives have not always been pleasant and she is sensing some unpleasantness. She is not into her spiritual path too far so she doesn’t think about these possibilities. She is trying desperately to figure out why she has such an attraction to your energy.

Old and scruffy is just the covering you have at this time. In the past you have been attracted to each other. It is the inside, the soul, that defines who you are. In defining yourself in a particular way you begin to think about yourself in those terms even if no one else does. If you emulate your unconditionally loving soul, that is what others see, not the imperfect outer skin.

You do broadcast a powerful field, but then you have the energy of Source within. All can do it but few are unfettered enough by third-dimension ego to be able to. You need to ask why this bothers you so much. You also feel the similar energy within her but are afraid to acknowledge same.  Don’t be nervous about asking her what it is that she senses from you. If you are triggering some past fear, you are doing her a favor by bringing it to the surface so she may resolve this incomplete prior lesson.

With your knowledge you could approach the subject with a little subterfuge. “Hi, I can’t help but have the déjà vu sensation that we have met before; from your reaction to me I can see you are feeling something—can we talk about it?” The freedom of choice that is the standard in the universe allows you to do as suggested, forget it completely, or try to connect your feelings with her. The choice is yours.