Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Our children’s journey

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, my 7 month old baby girl appears to look at energy or entities. Am I able to protect her from any negative energy by asking discarnates to stay away from her and picture her enclosed in a bubble of white light? As a first time mum I worry about her health and safety all the time but also often fear that she will die. Before she was born I had a vision/dream that we are chatting on a bench when she’s a young adult….will this come true? I also fear that she will suffer as I and other female members of the family have with anxiety, self-esteem and from lack of a trustworthy father. ~Moomi, UK

ANSWER: Your daughter is very connected still to her nonphysical friends on the other side. At this stage of her life she is only attracting positive loving energies with which she had interactions back Home. You can say to the universe that you only want beings of the light in the room and cover your daughter in white light to ensure that happens. She has nothing to offer to discarnates at this time because she cannot take care of herself or do their bidding; that is primarily why they will leave her alone. Her guides are also monitoring who comes near.

Don’t be paranoid. We realize this is all a new experience for you and you want to get it “right.” Your daughter is a very strong, resilient little being. She chose to come to you because she knew you could help her with her life lessons. She has no intention at this time to leave you until she has fulfilled all her desires for this life. You have shared former lives with her and will get to the point of re-establishing the psychic connection you have used with each other before.

She will suffer only if she is taught that she should. Be sure you help her understand that she has the ability to choose which things come to her and how she deals with them. Tell her about her magnificence as a particle broken off from Source and that she is as fantastic as everyone else if she accepts that truth. You cannot be full of anxiety or trust and esteem issues if you know who you are.

Do not let her feel the lessons you have not completely learned. Work on releasing the fears and anxieties from your early experiences, and see that negative events can be learned from and replaced with loving yourself for having done so.

You bring to yourself what you need, or want, to experience. You then either choose to understand the conflict and put it aside so you don’t have to deal with a similar event again, or you let it hang from your neck like an anchor weighing down the rest of your life. Remove your weights and be free. Teach her to look at them and make her choices before she gets buried.

Near Death Experience

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

QUESTION: When I was about 3 yrs of age I drowned and was in a coma for 6 months. I have this memory or dream I’m not sure if I made it up or not, about being with a woman who nurtured me and I was very happy! Also I have been obsessed with death and knowing about the hereafter. Do you know why? ~Lela, United States

ANSWER: The experience you had is called a near-death experience or NDE. “Near death” because your physical body was still the primary location of your soul, but your conscious mind was outside your body communing with souls in the unconditional love of Home. During the time you were in this Source energy, you were guided and protected by one of your spiritual guides who helped you decide whether to return to Earth and your physical family or stay at home with the other souls.

At the time you began this particular lifetime, you had a two-pronged plan. The first aspect was to help your family and associates have the experience of losing or coming close to losing a small child. They could feel what guilt, abandonment, deep loss, and blame was like. Many conflicts occurred among them, and they had the opportunity to learn their lessons if they chose.

The second idea was that you might want to end this lifetime at that age and come Home to try something else. During the time you spent with your guide, she and others helped you examine just what would happen if you returned to Earth and what you could do if you chose to terminate this life. You reviewed other lives you had lived and talked about the many lessons you still wanted to explore. You chose to return.

Your fascination with death and the afterlife comes from your having spent that six months in the energy that you experience each time you leave a physical life and return to your essential form. You don’t remember everything that was discussed during that time because when you returned and tried to talk about it with others, they told you it was all a dream. If you visit that period under hypnosis or in deep meditation, you can recapture some of the particulars of the time.

If you are curious, search around to see if you have a chapter of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) near your home. If you have the ability to attend one of their meetings, you will meet a number of people who have had NDEs and will see that they have either very little memory or very specific memories of their time between dimensions.

Outside influence

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, why am I having these dreams, is it a “negative spirit”, am I under attack? I keep having dreams that my husband is being unfaithful in different scenes whether it’s in this life or a past life being portrayed and in these dreams there is always a voice telling me he does not love me, or I am not loved at all by anyone, accompanied by overwhelming feelings of deep sorrow and dread and terrible heartache that feels extremely real. This voice (in my dreams) is also telling me to commit suicide even though I am not suicidal & do not act on these things. I am mentally exhausted and extremely depressed when waking, feeling alone and hopelessness. This has been happening for three years now ever since we moved into this apartment. I am writing to you now as I wake from another night full of these nightmares. ~RDV, United States

ANSWER: Your current apartment came with a trio of discarnate negative souls who have not moved on after their physical death. They are having their idea of fun with you. The one who committed suicide is trying to get you to do the same. The other two were an adulterous couple who were discovered and killed by the husband of the woman. They are playing out the last of their lives within your dreams.

Your husband is not a part of this at all. They have not attacked him because he sleeps too deeply and doesn’t remember his dreams. These are their fantasies, not actual fact. They are trying to see if they can get you to believe in the truth of their stories and take rash actions as a result. They feel this would help validate their lives.

Start sageing your house: use smudge sticks of sage and walk around the apartment, getting it into all the corners. Ghosts hate sage smoke. They also can’t stand candles—the light is too bright for them. When you go to sleep at night, ask your guides and the archangels, particularly Michael, to come and protect you and send the discarnates away.

When you feel their presence, or hear them, tell them to depart and that you no longer wish to have them in your home. You can express the same thought periodically throughout the day to let them know you are onto their games and don’t want to play. They need to move on—preferably into the light, but definitely away from you. Some of the negative energy sticks to you when you awaken after a particularly strenuous night. Shower or take a bath using a little bit of sea salt rubbed on your skin to break their connection.