Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Out and about soul walking

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I had a beautiful dream like a vision. The God in a form of white light blinded me and I fell on the ground. I died, separating from my physical body and started to float. I felt such peace and calmness and the higher I rose the stronger I felt these. At some point I started peacefully coming back to my body. The nearer I got the tighter and heavier everything felt – like I was being squeezed into a tight bag. After I connected with my body I stood up and said (possibly to the angels next to me) “That was great and dying feels so good, but I’m not ready to leave yet. I have so many plans for this life and I’ll need my body for them”. I wonder if this vision came to remind me of who I really am or was I in a crosspoint of whether to stay on Earth or get back home? ~Soul, Finland

ANSWER: You were experiencing something called an Out-of-Body Experience, also sometimes called astral projection. The basic purpose of an OBE is to let your soul assist your conscious mind with remembering who you are when in your essential state—in connection with your energetic, unconditionally loving, formless condition, which allows you to sense and feel everything around you.

Planet Earth is a duality of negative and positive energies so that you perceive a weightiness or heaviness about it. As you move away from the pull of a solid form, you release the negativity and things become clearer. You are able to float around at will when out of your body.

Once you return, you are forced to fit into the body shell you chose to use for this lifetime. Within this body are sensing devices: nerves, olfactory, and other senses that come only with a body. It is akin to your science fiction in which aliens have to have machine bodies in order to interact on Earth.

But your body is much more than a covering; it allows for sensations to travel about the body and be interpreted by many receivers. Take, for instance, the sexual act. The parts involved have the physical experience, but you also feel the euphoria in the emotional makeup. Without a body, you would be on Earth locked in a contraption that only permitted you to look out but not take part in any activity.

You may all choose when to have your soul separate from its current body shell. The time and place are up to you. This was just the information that you needed for your journey at this particular time—nothing special. Every day, when you exercise your freedom of choice to move beyond a lesson obstacle or change direction to have new experiences, you are at a crossroad in this life.

What keeps a soul Earthbound

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, my question concerns a bereaved mother whose son died as the result of suicide. She uses a few mediums to channel her son’s energy and shares the information publicly with the intent to help others dealing with death. His messages contain a lot of profanity. Do astute spirits use profanity? Is he possibly being kept earth bound as the result of this daily channeling? ~Denise, USA

ANSWER: Souls who have come all the way back Home are existing in unconditional love and shun negativity, such as profanity or judgment, of any kind. Since this soul is sending messages with profanity and negativity, it is easy to see that he has not crossed over but is remaining Earthbound. The choice to remain is his alone and no amount of contacting him will help him in this discarnate state.

Once a soul leaves a body, what you call death, it has the decision to make as to its next activity. Committing suicide was not something this soul had planned out in advance. The young man ended his life abruptly out of fear that nothing was going right, and he was overwhelmed.

Usually the soul will return Home and then plan the next life to finish those lessons it feels are necessary. In his case he got extremely angry with himself as he was doing the act and fears he will be in trouble if he goes Home. The contents of his communiques are directing his anger, uncertainty, and fear at others.

The types of messages that he is delivering to his mother will not help others understand how to make their own decisions when they contemplate suicide. He is not the only one who is spilling out this negativity in these channelings. There are more discarnates who are using your friend as a soap box. It is fun for them to be given so much attention, and the more volatile the message, the more people are drawn to the words.

Your friend is in denial that her son would not want to remain with her so she is accepting anything that comes through. She needs to encourage him to listen to his guides and go Home. All his negativity will be sated and he will come to understand why he did what he did. He can then come back from the other side through channels and give his mother a message worth delivering to others. He will be unavailable for a short period of time while he debriefs the events of his life.

Spirit Releasement Therapy

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Question: Masters, I have doubts regarding Spirit Releasement therapy (SRT)     1. In SRT there is a procedure to scan the physical body from few meters above after we enter deep hypnotic state. So I want to know which mind (sub-conscious mind or conscious) needs to come out of the physical body to scan for spirits.       2. How to switch between me and spirits while I’m doing SRT by myself.               3.  Do we need to convince spirits that there will be no judgment day and white light is the path to follow and then call healing angels to carry them?                    4. Can Spirits be in non-living forms like smoke/ stones/ mud/ wood/ web of spiders/ ropes etc. or can spirits take any shape and form. Looking for your response, which will help me in many ways. ~Raghavendra, India

ANSWER:  You are thinking too much. All energy work needs to be done through the heart with the essential energy from the soul. The purpose of entering into a deep meditative or hypnotic trance is to leave the judgment of the conscious mind behind to enter and use the unconditional love of the unconscious or higher mind.

The conscious mind is connected to the body and the ego. The unconscious mind is a part of the body when you choose, but always has a part of itself in the nonphysical unconditional love of Source. To use it, there is no need for it to exit the body because it is already outside. To use the higher unconscious mind you merely need to “feel” what it is you want to do.

If you consciously switch back and forth to use your judgmental mind, you are leaving the realm of spirits and then trying to get back there to do some work. When “clearing” or “scanning” yourself, put out the intention before you enter your hypnotic state that you wish to see/speak to any spirits who are connected to you or affecting you. You will be able to communicate with them without having to withdraw from the hypnotic state.

Not every spirit who is clinging to the physical is ready to go into the light. Your purpose is to remove its influence from yourself or the client. You cannot convince another soul of something it is not ready to accept. Offer to get healing angels for it, but if it resists, suggest it needs to move where it is wanted because you revoke your permission for it to stay—it may be someplace where darkness is welcomed.

Once soul energy leaves the physical body, it can take any shape or inhabit any physical thing, including articles of clothing, furniture, or natural items. An easy thing to do is to scan for the feeling of negativity. All discarnate souls or spirits choosing to hang around need negativity to exist in or near the physical plane. Bathe the area in positive love energy and they will stand out from the background.