Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Captured spirits

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters: In the occult tradition of spirit keeping spirits are bound to objects. Supposedly, in Thailand and India the black magick magicians and black tantra practitioners create gruesome things such as “corpse oil” and “Gumanthong” to augment their psychic ability without passing spiritual tests to prove themselves worthy, and to have entities that grant wishes for them and luck. My question is why are the child spirits the “Gumanthong” bound to objects for hundreds or even thousands of years without being rescued by their soul group, higher self, or spirit guides? Why are they just being left there for years and years? ~Jim, USA

ANSWER: In the US the objects of luck are rabbit’s feet, horse shoes, and “lucky” pennies found or gifted from a favorite person. None of these things has any religious or cult connotations. Religious practices give psychological power to objects, imbuing them with magical implications. Statues, candles, snakes, incense, wooden objects such as crosses or rosaries, certain books and prayers are all held to have power over people. Relics are the closest to the objects you speak of. The “power” of an object is with the beholder—if you give it deference it can influence your thinking.

Analyze what these magicians say of the creation of their Gumanthong or other objects. The basic premise is that the child died, or was never alive as in the case of a fetus, and they retrieve the carcass from a graveyard. Once a human, or bundle of cells that contains a soul, ceases to be alive, the soul departs the physical and goes back home. What remains in the physical is nothing more than an old discarded shell once used by a soul.

It is impossible to return the soul to the shell once it has vacated it. Therefore it is impossible to imprison a soul within an object. The whole process of creating a horrible object, allegedly containing the soul of an unwilling child, is to produce fear that is then used to control the devotees.

Most of the traditions that deal in this type of black magick are from areas where the population is uneducated and ignorant of everything but what the magicians tell them.

Each soul has freedom of choice. You create and accept the series of beliefs that become your belief system. They can be changed at any time they do not feel right or do not serve your purpose and direction in life. General statements like the Earth is flat, the Earth is the center of the universe, and Santa Claus is a real person who delivers gifts to you each Yule can be part of your beliefs—or not. What resonates with you? Keep it and discard the rest.

Being totally open and trusting

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, thank you for helping us on our earth journey! I have received many messages from spirit through others that I should continue to develop my mediumship. I experience short bursts as I interact with people daily and during my healing sessions. It seems, however, that there is some sort of blockage that is hindering me from moving into the fullness of it. Can you tell me what that is and how to work on it? I am truly grateful for your guidance. ~Sheila, US

ANSWER: Your problem is your own expectations and being somewhat invested in your idea of what being a medium means. There is no one way to communicate with spirits. It comes in different forms for everyone. You may have taken a class, but people can only instruct you in the manner in which things work for them. They are not in your body, or having your journey, so they can’t say exactly how things will work for you.

When you are going about your day-to-day activities, you have no pre-conceived ideas, so you are open to receiving messages from the other side. When you are engaging in healing sessions, your focus is on being the conduit for the energy from the universe, not on communication. You have found that as the energy flows through you, so do the words from the souls ready to have their say.

It is not necessary to know who is delivering the message unless it is for a particular person from a particular soul. If the missive is to share wisdom or direction, it doesn’t matter who the speaker is. If you have protected your channel and allow only energy of the light, then it is merely a matter of opening to the spoken word and feeling whether or not it resonates with the subject or subjects to whom it was addressed.

When you are concentrating on trying to get a message, you always ask yourself if the message that comes through is truly from the other side. Stop doubting! Start feeling the “rightness” of it.

To start to trust a little more, have a question in your mind when you clear all thoughts during a meditation. See what you “hear” as you meditate. Try doing the same thing as you get ready to go to bed at night. Don’t question or debate; just do it for a while until it becomes second nature.

You need to get comfortable with the dialogue. It’s just like any other conversation—except the other party is invisible.

Travel and contact from out there

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I’m a very sensitive person, and sometimes I have dreams with things that really happen, those dreams feel different than the usual. I had a dream that felt different but it was not about the future but about some people from other planets that were explaining to me that in other planets their visits are usual and not to be feared like we humans do. The strangest thing was one of them than asked me if my favorite colors were pink and purple and I said turquoise and he said: hum, a founder! Does this means something? ~Rossana, Portugal

ANSWER: You do a lot of out-of-body traveling during your body’s sleep cycle. You slip into the stream of energy that connects all things. You have an occasion to meet up with souls who are having experiences that vary from your own. Some of these individuals are living on planets other than Earth.

Because only Earth has a duality of positive and negative energy, it is the only place where fear is prominent. On other planets, beings have curiosity without assigning negative intent to those who are different from them. The beings with whom you made contact are from one of these places. They cannot figure out why on Earth there is such a fear of the unknown. To them the unknown is the great adventure.

Just as your society has belief systems such as astrology, numerology, tarot, runes, etc., other cultures have their own beliefs. This particular group feels that your tendency to favor particular colors indicates your direction in life. Colors give off various energy signatures. It means they give character assignments to your visual and energetic preferences.

Following a belief system has only as much impact on you as you allow it to. When you have consulted your horoscope, it has given you what some believe to be your present or future based upon the recognized energies. The influence of the planets at the time of your birth only assists you on a path and makes you more comfortable with certain directions. You still have total freedom of choice to decide what you want to do and who you want to be.