Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Removing magic

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, 10 years ago I lived a problematic phase in my life and for the first time I was ungrounded. Disoriented, I’ve searched by a woman who claimed to have mystical power to guide me. She told me that some people did some work of magic on me and this needed to be scrapped. Desperate, I believed her, but she charged a large amount of money; and then asked for more and more and more. I paid a couple of times and then I disappeared. I realized that she wanted to extort me. My question is: How strong are these magics? What is my power to free myself of this? Since I disappeared, I suspect that she has kept the magic. Since this my financial life has always been bad and I cannot recover. ~José, Brazil

ANSWER: When you find yourself ungrounded, flailing around with no direction or purpose, you fall prey to the default setting of human life, which is anything and everything negative. Black magic is pure negativity. When you give up hope and say “whatever” you are asking the universe to give you a new experience. Then, whatever negativity is around will enter into your life and cause you problems because you have given it permission to enter by your indifference.

To remove the effect of negativity you must take steps to let it know that it is no longer welcome and you want it to leave. There are some people out there who have had experience with helping to remove and block the negative spirits. The woman who preyed on you is a faker. She has no particular abilities except to know how to intimidate those who are afraid so that she can force them to give her money. She has not kept the magic in place because she has no talent to do so.

What happened to you is that you believed so strongly in what she told you that you doubted your ability to do anything yourself. You must first find your inner strength. Your soul, which animates your body, is a piece of the Creator, so if you allow yourself, you can create whatever you need to free you of this negative energy.

You have to accept that there is power within you and that you can use it to manifest what you need to move your life forward. Surround yourself with the white light of unconditional love. Tell all negativity that you revoke permission for it to be in you or attached to you. Wash your body with love and replace with positivity the negative energy you have chased away.

Once the negative attachments are gone, start manifesting financial success. You have the means to do that if you believe you do.

White Brotherhood

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, while meditating on a walk back in the 1980’s I was made aware of the “White Brotherhood” later called “The Brotherhood of Light” and I have had constant reminders of their presence during the intervening years. Are these the Masters? ~Graham, UK

ANSWER: The terms “White Brotherhood” and “The Brotherhood of the Light” are thrown around indiscriminately. The concept primarily refers to the group of souls, mostly incarnate in some form or other, who are monitoring and offering protection for this experiment of duality occurring on planet Earth. They have, for instance, blocked harmful rays from the Sun during major eruptions on the surface.

These souls chose to be observers and “life guards” to the ones who plunged into the troubling waters of negativity. They are based on a number of different planets where they could also have experiences that they had not tried before, and that made them available to contact and watch Earthlings. They have varying degrees of prior incarnations and, therefore, different amounts of understanding and wisdom of Earth-type lessons.

For souls to be given the title of Master, they must have been exposed to, worked through, and gained the wisdom of all aspects of a particular life lesson. A small percentage of these Brotherhood members have achieved that distinction, but when they returned to a physical form, they may have chosen to merely work upon the things they came into physicality to experience, and not to be a master guide to those on Earth.

The Brotherhood is ever vigilant and makes contact with those souls who will accept their presence and whom they can assist in increasing their spiritual knowledge. The one warning we would give to all of those appearing to communicate with the Brotherhood is that there are some discarnates out there who imitate the good guys while conveying false information for their own enjoyment. Be sure to protect yourself with white light and put the intention into the universe that you wish to communicate only with beings of the light who will participate for the highest and greatest good.

Powers of illusion

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, can someone be trapped in their own illusions??? I have recently been worked on by an energy healer to clear some of my own issues. I want to be a better, stronger, more consciously aware person. I am empathic and very sensitive to energies of others and the earth changes and I feel the group planetary changes. I have been targeted by extreme dark forces and am looking for help. The attacks are so strong most others in the healing community are not able to offer me the help I really need so they say things to me like I am [a] prisoner of my own illusions??? ~Ronald, USA

ANSWER: People can only see what they allow themselves to see, and feel what they open themselves to interact with. You may have an elephant standing in front of you, but if you deny that the animal can possibly be there, you will not be able to see it because it is not part of the illusion you have created for your reality.

If someone is being attacked by invisible negative energies but you do not admit such exists in your illusionary world, you will not see or feel their presence. That is the situation with some of the healers you have approached. Since they have never been attacked in the manner in which you have been, they cannot imagine such an occurrence. Since they can’t imagine it, they are also unable to feel it because it is an impossibility to them.

You are becoming a very strong lightworker. Dark forces of negativity like to feed on bright positive energy and so come visiting for a snack. They do exist, so you are not trapped in an illusion. (Of course, it is possible to create an illusionary reality in which beings of your imagination are assaulting you, and until you give up their existence you are unable to get rid of them and they share your cell. But this is not the case here.)

Since these really are in your illusion of life, you have to find ways to alter your illusion to speed them on their journey. One way is showering these negative forces with positive love energy. When you sense them, the first thing you feel is fear, and  that is adding to the negativity. When you begin to sense their presence, thank them for giving you the opportunity to feel such negative forces, and then send them love for following the path they have chosen even though it is the opposite of your Earth destination.