Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

The spirits around us

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I recently started taking photos of orbs at my home. I then began to take videos. I was amazed to see hundreds of orbs zooming around within a minute! So is this phenomenon happening all the time, all around us? Or is there something specific happening to me or to my home? ~AJ, US

ANSWER:  Spirits in the nonphysical dimension do not have shells, bodies, or coverings. When concentrated in one place they gather together in a spherical form and appear; they are sometimes visible to the eye, but generally need to be observed via digital media. This phenomenon is what people call orbs. Since there are billions of souls, a majority of which are not incarnate at any one time, they are literally all over the place.

Just as with anything else on your physical plane, in order to for you to see it, it has to be a part of your illusion. You must accept that they exist in order to see them. Non-believers will see them on their photos and call it glare, reflections, or dust particles. Some souls even play with the cameras so that they do not record the vibrations in the air that betray their presence.

Spirits may choose to go anywhere. When something interesting is occurring or someone is calling them or desiring to catch their image, they may flock to the location. If they don’t want to be seen, or are not sure how someone will take to their being there, they may hide just out of sight.

Your house is a welcoming environment for them because they make you happy and they enjoy your positive energy. They can be silly and enjoy buzzing around you and seeing you laugh. When you populate an area with positive energy and restrict negativity, they come in droves. It is possible to get some to come when you call them if they have nothing else they want to do at that time.

As with any exciting thing, word gets around. Once some have come and felt comfortable at your house, they tell others who may want to come and sample the party atmosphere. Your personal guides occasionally show themselves to you as orbs. Deceased relatives and friends who have returned home may visit you in this form as well. Don’t forget to thank them for coming and invite them back if you want them to return.

Astral projection

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, Can you please elaborate what is happening to me? A dear friend passed away, leaving behind 2 sons & their dad. Then I had a vision. During this visualization I imagined myself standing there watching them while they did gardening on the side of the house, I thought I was just fantasizing it. A week ago I spoke via phone to the father and without telling him he began to tell me he & his boys were outside on that side of the house gardening and the younger boy looked up and said he had a real strong feeling he was being watched, for a long while. Did I do some type of astral travel or did I see through her spirit eyes as she watches over them? I’ve had many weird paranormal things happen all my life, the list is endless! ~Roxanne, United States

ANSWER: For some time, you have had the ability to project yourself wherever you desire. Most of the time you go to places in which you have an interest and, if you remember the journey, just think that it was a dream. You are very sensitive to energy because you travel on energy waves. When your friend came Home, you felt her energy and her interest in those she left behind. It gave you a destination in your travels.

You were not being assisted by her but were, in fact, assisting her. She was not totally comfortable being able to project to different locations yet, so she put the idea in your head and went along with you.

Her son felt the presence of the two of you. She will be able to communicate with them shortly if they are open to receiving her energy. If you tell them that she is trying to contact them and that she can do it more easily when they are asleep, they can go to sleep with the intention of meeting her, and after a while it will happen.

If you are interested, you can use this ability to obtain answers to some of your own questions. If you want to see what can be done with this talent, read up a bit on remote viewing and astral projection. You can explore areas you wish to visit, go backward or forward in time, find things you have lost or misplaced – just about anything you desire.

The important thing if you wish to investigate this talent is to just let it flow. Have no specific expectations. Don’t put any pressure on yourself – just have fun with it. If you practice enough you will find you have a high degree of control in reaching your desired destinations.

Psychic attack from past

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I have been subject to an extensive psychic attack recently, triggered by meeting someone from a past life. It has involved some very dark energies and I have needed to dissolve some old vows. I sense that there is more for me to learn from all this. Can you help? ~Dave, UK

ANSWER: As your soul travels through a series of lifetimes it experiences many things. Since the basis of Earth learning is choosing positive over negative, you have to start with negativity to move forward. Some existences are filled with negative thoughts, feelings, and beings. Some souls make bargains with other negative spirits to get the opportunities they desire.

As a soul completes a particularly negative life and returns to the unconditional love of Home, some of the negative issues may remain unresolved and get left behind. That resulting negativity may be free flowing and attach to the soul when it returns, or it may accompany another soul who has chosen not to return to positive love but to remain as a discarnate lost soul clinging to Earth and waiting to exact revenge upon the soul with which it had dealings not yet completed.

You are correct that the immediate problem arose from former life dealings with negative agreements that you left behind. The energy was not free flowing, so it did not pop up in your life until the one with whom you had made the agreements came along to exact vengeance for being left holding the bag of negativity by retaliating with psychic attacks.

To remove this series of attacks from your future, you simply need to cut the strings that connect you to the other spirit. This can be done via past-life regression by returning to that life and resolving your feelings about the situation and removing the fear that accompanies it. If you can meditate deeply enough, you can do it that way as well.

You are facing some responsibilities you assumed in that life but did not complete out of fear. If you understand what the lesson was and why you did not choose to finish it, you will be able to send the fear and your attacker away. Once it cannot impact you, the discarnate will move on to another soul.