Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Divination techniques

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, a recent post commented about the use of the pendulum to get answers to yes and no questions. What about the sway test where you rock forward for yes and backward for no? And, what about the various types of muscle testing? Whenever I try these I am never sure if the answers that I get are true or just what I am hoping to hear. ~Joanne, United States

ANSWER: Whenever you can put away your expectations and use divination techniques, whether it be pendulums, muscle testing, scrying [ed.: gazing into something translucent – crystal ball, water, mirror, etc.], swaying, or other methods, you are tapping into your higher self and / or the universe. These techniques may require nothing more than your body parts, or maybe a neck chain or a car key on a fob for the pendulum.

The above methods rely on the practitioner to interpret the results. They are very definitely influenced by your thoughts and desires, but if the conscious mind has been disengaged they are also very accurate. If you spend time thinking about what you want the results to be, you will get the results you seek. If you give up your expectations and just ask the question and let it be answered, you will get a clear yes or no not influenced by your thoughts.

There are other practices you may use to get your answers. They require some study to see the trends that predominate, and are not as definitive to the individual, but they give you the energy the universe has contributed. These practices include astrology, numerology, tarot, runes, and many, many more.

All these that have been mentioned are tools and nothing more. Your inner essential energy will help you find the direction you are going if you step back and let it speak to you. It is vitally important that you let your judgment ego go, release expectations, and go with the flow. Don’t anticipate, don’t question; merely see if the result resonates with you. If it is in synchrony with your body the answer is truth for you.

Sensitive to negative energies

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, for many years I have experienced what I feel could be discarnate entities inhabiting people. These encounters have been with strangers, lovers (including my current boyfriend), and friends. As a Reiki healer, I know these energies exist on this plane and that I will encounter them in my own shadow work and my spiritual work with others, and yet I am sometimes frightened of these beings. It’s a difficult feeling to explain but it’s almost as though I feel my soul, and the souls of others, could I be in danger? I sometimes feel like I am crazy, and I know this fear means I am learning something important, but I cannot seem to gain clarity or insight about what it all means. ~Ali, United States

ANSWER: Earth has an equal amount of positive and negative energy. Some of what you are sensing is just negative energy carried by those having a life lesson. It is natural to feel a fair amount around those who are not on a spiritual path because they don’t realize they can choose to shun negativity and embrace positive feelings.

Earth’s inhabitants see negativity as the default setting of their life. People will tell you what is wrong with their life and then others will step in and try to “outdo” those bad experiences with some of their own. When clients come to you, they are usually there to get rid of something that is bothering them – their negativity.

You are sensitive to the degree of positivity a person can have when the body is in perfect balance. Anything out of balance, or negative, is immediately apparent to you. These are the “bad energies” that you feel but do not fear.

You are correct that there are negative entities, those who have finished their human existence but have chosen not to return to unconditional love. They will try to grab positive energy from others and will suck life-force energy from whoever allows them to do so. Those who cannot distinguish positive from negative sometimes succumb to these energy vampires. They can be very scary if you do not recognize them and send them away.

These discarnates may just accompany a client, or they may have attached to the person like a leach. Cover yourself with white light when you sense one of these and ask your guides and Archangel Michael to come and help it detach and move on. Of course, the client must be willing to let it go. Some people feel these entities are being friendly and giving them love in exchange for their life force. Your insight allows you to detect them and help others to get free of them.

Past life connections

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

QUESTION: Masters, I had a repetitive dream during 20 years with a purple desert, me laying down looking to the sky and thunders falling around me with no chance of hurt me. I was not afraid at all. Until I discovered that this desert was real and was Atacama (in Northern Chile). This past year I went there and I saw in a sunset the same sky and I felt a stronger sensation of rebirth in a happiness way. After coming home I had a different dream of one of the Atacama mountains with a stronger light coming from the sky and a voice saying this is the portal, don’t be afraid. My life changed complete since 2012 for good and for everything around me and I would like to know how to direct better myself on this journey? I feel inside that Atacama was a calling, is it true? ~Jana, United States

ANSWER: This is a perfect example of a past-life remembrance. What is unusual about this is that it stimulated within you the abilities from those times, which include creative abilities you shunned previously. They are the reason for recent success.

A portal is a doorway between two dimensions or realities. There is a portal in the Atacama mountains. At one time you entered into the Earth plane through that portal from another planet. You chose to stay on Earth for some time and lived in that region of the planet throughout your lifetime. This time you decided to come to Earth for the entire life. The next move is up to you.

This is all academic as far as being a portion of the history of your soul, but not determinative of what comes after this. You have chosen to spend lives on a number of different planets and each gave you their own experiences. You have much more to do with this lifetime without going back and reliving a past.

Each soul has freedom of choice to go back, go forward, or stay in place. Remembering your teacher and fellow students from first grade and arranging to reunite does not reproduce what you had then. The same will be true of going back to the portal. But if you need to visit it to put all this aside, that is your choice.