Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Dead Mother wants house back

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, my mom, who died 8 years ago, continues to return to me in my dreams to tell me she is alive again. My dilemma is she always needs her house back, which I have been renting out for income. I feel stuck between the legalities of a lease and giving her back her house. The house is now for sale, and last night in my dream she was living joyfully in the house. Can you help me understand what she is telling me, and how I can find peace in the dreams I’ve had? ~Jodi, USA

ANSWER: The soul that inhabited the body you knew as your mother is still at Home with us in the fifth dimension of unconditional love. She couldn’t care less about her former house; she doesn’t even spend that much time manifesting a body because she can do more and go more in her energetic state. Further, you cannot give a physical building to a nonphysical being.

She is completely nonphysical and is reuniting with other human families of which she has been a member. She is too busy to engage in the antics in your dreams. She does not intend to come back into a physical state for quite some time, and when she does, it will be in a different situation in which she can learn additional lessons from the ones she did in this lifetime.

Your dreams are being influenced by a negative entity who is having fun making you miserable. It is impersonating your mother and is using your insecurities, history with your mother, and intense need to please to lead you on and make you believe. You have always been a weak person when it came to your mother; it was a lesson the two of you worked on, and your mother had hoped you would gather strength on your own. Stop allowing another, physical or nonphysical, to tell you what is best for you. Take back your own power and decision-making.

The property is now yours to do with what you want. Take care of yourself and create what you want for your future. Tell that negative spirit to cease and desist. The sooner the property is deeded to another, the faster the spirit will vanish completely.

Releasing negative attachments

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I would like to ask what your take is on therapies that work with removing entities and “demons” and the claims being made by therapists who are working in this field. I am currently reading Dr Shakuntala Modi’s work (a licensed psychiatrist) on releasing entities and “demonic” attachment and claims most illnesses and disturbances are caused by demonic entities attaching to us and by releasing them immense healing occurs in her clients. Is this true or is part of the projection of the subconscious mind which is healing itself using this therapy? ~Jay, England

ANSWER: Life lessons come to souls on Earth as negative experiences. Demons, and discarnates that don’t want to go home, are pure negativity and help provide a stage for life lessons. Not all of the negativity found in life lessons is the result of demons. It is good press to be able to associate bad things with beasties.

Dr. Modi and others have done great work with clients using regressive hypnosis. Returning to a strong negative lesson that you were unable to understand in another life, or even earlier in this life, permits you to see the lesson in another light and gives a second chance to complete your work of learning.

Only a small percentage of incomplete life lessons are caused by the interference of a demon. People may also have difficulty working with their own problems if they are surrounded by negative entities that do not want completion. Finishing a negative lesson allows souls to bring in positive love energy that chases away the negative beings; they don’t like to be sent away so they fight the process.

Those who have invited, consciously or unconsciously, a negative attachment to join their life can always benefit from help to remove the attachment. Releasement of negativity may be done through hypnosis, a spiritual healer, or the people themselves consciously withdrawing permission for the entity to be there.

Prevention will occur if souls learn to replace negative thoughts and energy with positive clear thoughts, activities, and energy. Being surrounded by negativity, without having it attached, also may cause illnesses and other difficulties. People want to be able to say that one plus one always equals two, but when seen another way, it equals eleven.

Matching physical and spiritual

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I believe you can feel my frustrations for having to deal with same recurring issues. No matter what I do, the results of my actions are short-lived. Even when I feel grateful for the positive effects of my health, immediately the next day or week, it is back to square one. I have no idea why I am starting to lose so much of hair despite going for treatments and unable to gain weight and recover loss of muscles despite various Ayurveda remedies. I am only 24 years old and I know that ageing is an inevitable part of life but what I am experiencing is rapid. I am trying my best but nothing seems to work and it is just scary to feel like my body itself is a disease. How can I manage my health issues or why am I even experiencing these issues? ~Vaishnavee, Singapore

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: Achieving a goal does not make it definite that you will always be able to enjoy that place – unless you continue to do what you had to perform to accomplish the goal. Once you visualize and manifest the release of an issue, it will reappear unless you continue to work at seeing yourself free of the problem. The results being short-lived means only that you slip back into old belief patterns or forget completely about the work you have done.

You have been slipping away from self-love and back into a victim mentality where you easily accept the “poor me” label. The things into which you are putting most of your thoughts and fears are the energies the universe thinks you wish to experience. When you identify with a condition, you unconsciously accept that it is supposed to be there.

Start using affirmations about your perfect health, your fantastic physical condition, and magnificent hair. Take responsibility for your health – don’t pass the blame off to practitioners. See each treatment as a step in perfecting your affirmations.

Don’t see your body as a disease. See your body as out of ease and needing to be brought back into balance. Rid your energy of the panic you have allowed in and find a mental, emotional, spiritual place where you can charge all your physical areas back into balance.

Live in the now and address each sensation as it appears. Find where it came from and why it is there. Your attitude toward each test determines the result.