Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Discarnate trying to get in

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I had an incident recently involving some kind of evil spirit trying to possess me. It insisted that I had to let this happen, to let my defenses down and become what it called “The Nexus.” When it (forcefully) tried to enter I put everything I had into repelling it. During this time I kept seeing various visions of me looking through the eyes of some soldier. Said soldier’s squad mates were being sucked out of a crashing helicopter and then nothing but what looked like a weird helmet with a cracked visor. After this I forced the spirit out and regained control. What does this mean? ~Rhys, United States

ANSWER: This is the behavior of a discarnate soul wandering the world wanting to exact revenge for believed wrongs when it was in body. This particular entity has also been with you in several of your other lives. This one was a militaristic existence where you were on opposite sides. You were recalling a time when it had shot down your transport and wanted to enter your mind to retrieve the information it contained. You were remembering the incident in a moment-by-moment time frame.

You are a very advanced vibrational being and can prevent invasions. No energy can enter into another unless it is given permission, which is why it tried to convince you to let it in. It can exert a lot of pressure to persuade you to allow entry but cannot enter without an invite. In instances such as these, ask for assistance from your guides and the archangels. They will be more than happy to help.

The Nexus was a member of the opposing force who was turned and possessed to do the bidding of its enemy. Think of Captain Pickard when he was “integrated” by the Borg. You preferred to leave the human plane (by dying) rather than become a tool for your nemesis.

You can prevent recurrence of this type of activity by covering yourself in white light and invoking the protection and assistance of the beings of the light at the beginning of each day and before you fall asleep at night. Negative beings will continue trying to attach to you because they feed off the intense vibrational light of your soul.

Accepting psychic abilities

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I have in recent years become more aware and accepting of my clairsentient awareness though I have not fully been able to understand how to correctly protect myself from other people’s energy. I tried to shut myself off from my awareness several years back when I had what I think was my first clairvoyant vision of possibly a past life experience of my friend when I was touching his back. The image was so vivid and because of my empathic nature I could also feel the pain associated with it and it scared me. I think I am ready to re explore this side of myself because I feel the repression of it might be what has been causing my stomach issues in recent years. Where do I start? ~Maree, USA

ANSWER: You are extremely sensitive both to energies picked up through touch and to wavelengths that are around you. Just as you “turned off” your abilities for a period of time, you may, with practice, turn on and off your receptors. You will be able to choose when to feel things through your hands and emotions. This ability will not come all at once; you will have to practice to tune your sensitivity.

Any time you unequivocally stop the flow of energy into or by your body, you create barricades that stop up the flow of your physical nerves and bodily functions, which will present as ill health. When you sense stomach issues or digestive problems, concentrate on having energy flow through your body, pushing any blockages out of the way.

When you reach out to another, it is important that you have asked your guides to protect you from the effects of the other’s negativity. Lessons are presented in negative energy so they may be recognized and dealt with. The scene you picked up from your friend was a lesson he faced but did not deal with in another lifetime. If he went back and examined it, he would be able to remove its hurtful negativity and never have to feel it again. This is a way for you to help people clear their blockages if you so choose.

The feelings you pick up from around others can be analyzed to see if they have negative attachments, which the two of you will be able to remove by over-powering them with positive unconditional love. These are abilities you have used in other lives and wanted to have available again in case you decided to help others in this life. The choice is up to you.

Dealing with energy sensitivity

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I feel as though I am sensitive to energy, possibly even being an empath. I feel as though I am sensitive to celestial forces (bodies) which I obviously have no control over. How can I keep myself from being bombarded by these energies and get off of the emotional rollercoaster? I suspect that I am sensitive to all different types of energies, what do I need to watch out for? Is there any benefit to me being sensitive to energy? ~Suzanne, USA

ANSWER: First a comment on celestial (mostly planetary) effects on a human body. Homo sapiens are largely composed of water. Large masses of solid matter – such as the moon, Saturn, even the entirety of the Milky Way system – pull, push, heat, and cool the body. Most people are unaware of these influences that can have an impact on the hormones and fluids within the body, most of which literally bob up and down in this liquid-like energy potion, causing your rollercoaster effect.

You are extremely sensitive to energy movement. There are many types of energy. The planetary energy is something you can direct away from yourself with your intention. You can see your body covered by an umbrella that causes the vibrations to avoid hitting and affecting you. This will derail your rollercoaster.

The energies that cause you the most difficulty are those emanating from other souls who are sharing the planet with you. The worst impact comes from the negativity of people embroiled in third-dimensional dramas. Particularly when you get drawn into the drama, such as an argument, you can feel positive energy being taken away from you. Avoiding engaging in verbal fighting will balance out your environment.

Being an open empath, you feel the energy fluctuations of those around you. If you have no protections in place to prevent being assailed by their negativity, you feel every speck of disruption within them. You need to learn to close your “receivers” to stop or moderate the amount of another’s world that you sense. This again has to do with using your intention to cover yourself in white protective light to shield you and have these emotions bounce off of you.

With each of these protection and shielding techniques, you have the ability to lessen or open them as you choose. The benefit of being so sensitive is the ability to sense whom to avoid because of their negativity and desire to steal your energy, and whom you can help, if you wish, by sending them healing and love energy.