Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Who is Kryon?

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

ANSWER:  Kryon is a group of nonphysical souls who deliver messages to those in human form through their channel, Lee Carroll. As with all channeled messages such as those delivered through Lee, Esther Hicks (Abraham), and our channel, Toni Winninger, they are for information purposes to assist souls having a human experience to make the choices necessary to create a reality that will allow them to learn.

Not every soul is ready to receive messages of a particular channel. Messages are delivered with various degrees of wisdom. Some are appropriate for beginning awakening, others for intermediate or advanced. People must take the information delivered and see how it makes them feel. Do they resonate with the teaching? Can they use the information to help them exercise their freedom of choice to solve the lessons they chose before coming to Earth?

All channels who are able to separate their conscious thoughts from the message they deliver, and have no ego-related intent for their work, are of integrity and a source of teaching for those who are at the stage of development they are addressing. There are no absolutes within the duality of Earth – all variables have to be considered in evaluating the benefit of messages. This veracity may vary from time to time. The messages of Kryon, Abraham, and Us (Masters of the Spirit World) are basically all coming with truth and love.

As we always say, never accept the importance or authenticity of any channeled material unless it feels comfortable to you. You then make it your own by incorporating it into your belief system and therefore your reality. There is no time schedule for when people are ready to take the responsibility of making their own decisions about their spiritual journey.

Your husband is curious but not yet committed. Expose him gradually to see what his tolerance is to spirituality. You will not know when he is accepting until you give him the choice.

Do healers get extraterrestrial help?

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, In regards to humans that have the ability to heal other people, are there other beings from other galaxies helping out? Can they assist in manifestation too? And protection? I’ll appreciate your comment on this. Very grateful for your assistance. ~Maria, USA

ANSWER: First there must be a clarification about healing practitioners. Humans do not do the healing themselves without assistance. Any healing involves two parties: the healer and the one being healed. If clients do not participate in the procedure and/or do not believe they will be healed, nothing will change in their condition.

This is true even with regular medical doctors. If they prescribe antibiotics for infection and patients do not think they will work, then they will not cure the condition. Patient have control over their bodies and can block the healing or balancing medicine or energy directed toward them.

The power for the healing does not come from the “healers.” The practitioners are merely the conduit for universal life force energy coming from the unconditional love energy of Source. It is the intention of the healers that directs and intensifies the energy, directing it to the needed area.

The healing energy never comes from the practitioners themselves. Were people to send their essential energy to others to help them, they would become weakened and need someone else to replenish their energy. It would be like donating a huge amount of your blood to another until you are too weak to function and require a transfusion from another.

All that being said, when multiple healers work on a single client, they intensify and exponentially multiply the force of the energy delivered to the client. It doesn’t matter if practitioners are from this planet or another; every body counts.

Manifestation is an individual thing because each of us has our own reality and creates it to our liking. You cannot fashion a world for others since they will see what they are expecting.

Several alien nations have protected the Earth from the effects of massive energy bursts from the Sun by intercepting them before they hit the planet. They are all prohibited from individual assistance to souls having a human experience on Earth since they honor the fact that the soul needs to exercise its own free will to make the choices for its journey.

Kundalini energy problems

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters I became initiated by an Indian spiritual “Guru”. A few years later I realized it was a mistake and that I disconnected from my own essence out of fear. Now, I am trying to regain myself, but am feeling lost because of the rising kundalini energy that got opened up in me doesn’t seem to allow me to be present in my body. Is this something that I can heal in this life, or must I endure the consequences for the rest of this incarnation? I miss myself. I am very sad, anxious and fearful now. I never used to feel this way. ~Michael, United States

ANSWER: Raising your Kundalini, the central energy line within the physical body, makes it easy to connect with all the nonphysical aspects of your soul. If you do not take care to directly control the stream of energy, it can take over your conscious mind – making you susceptible to any energy source around, from inside and outside. Spending time “floating” around in the ether is like being constantly on a psychedelic drug that prevents you from being grounded in the physical reality. This gives you the sense of disconnection from your body.

You are still connected with your essence in that you are your essence; that is, you are a soul having a human experience. Your soul never disconnects from the lives it has chosen. You have lost your way because you sense you can have no control over your destiny with your Kundalini open. That is not the case. You can learn to control the energy and use it for spiritual growth.

The process of reconnecting to your sanity, or feeling a part of the physical world again, is re-evaluating what you know and what you believe. You have stepped into a very powerful sports car and have pushed the accelerator all the way to the floor – you need to learn to control the speed to a manageable degree.

First step is recognizing who you are as a soul. You are a piece of Source energy and have all the same powers and abilities. When you accept that as true, you can then start to use those powers to create the human life you desire. In a meditative state, take each one of the out-of-control issues in your life and examine it. Understand why you fear it, and know that you are the one holding it to you and that it can be released.

Release each hindrance in your life and gather strength and wisdom from your soul through the Kundalini. Attack each unhappy, negative thought as soon as it appears, and tell it that you do not need it. You draw to yourself those things you need or wish to experience for your growth. Once you learn from them, you can send them packing.