Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Connecting with the departed

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, you have been very helpful to me before and I wonder if I might trouble you again? My Dad is at Home and I miss him. I speak to him a lot but rarely, if ever, feel his presence. I’ve asked my guides for dreams of him that I can remember but nothing has happened. I suspect this is a failing on my part. Maybe I’m too needy or in dubious mental health. Will you be able to give me the piece of evidence that I seek? I don’t understand why the twice I’ve sought this information, the answer hasn’t come through. And if you can’t do this, please tell him I love him. ~Karen, UK

ANSWER: Souls who have left their bodies and are on the Other Side are aware of what you say and think. Your father is aware of your distress and also of your love for him. Tell him what you want to convey and he will know.

You will have to work on the other side of this communication – the receiving of his energy. If there is any failing on your part, it is that you have such specific expectations of how and what you think your father should be able to do. You have to examine just what you will consider to be “proof.”

Once the soul returns Home, it takes its energetic form. Energy is nonphysical, and not all living physical beings are sensitive enough to feel the contact from a soul in energetic form. If you have a preconceived idea that your contact will be as physical as it always has been, you are looking for an impossibility.

In asking your guides for dreams of him, what do you really want? You can recall, on your own, Earth moments with him and have them portrayed in three-dimensional form. You can reach out to him and have him trigger both past and present situations between the two of you. But this will not feel as if he is in the same room with you because he is only energy and would be projecting an image, not taking physical form.

You are needy right now because you still wish to have him a part of the physical existence that is your life. One of your lessons was to work through this period after he returned Home and to find the strength to move on.

Have patience with yourself. Let the connection come when you are ready to accept the form that is possible. Your evidence will not be physical, but you will feel it in your heart.

Energy contact

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters last night I was woken by a tapping feeling on my shoulder, which became a powerful energy pulsing of my whole body, lasting a couple of minutes. I was frightened, thinking it was a psychic attack; but now suspect it was an energy attunement. Could you please explain what happened? ~Angie, Australia

ANSWER: There are a lot of energy shiftings occurring at this time around the globe. People who are working toward enlightenment of their true essence of unconditional love sense each shift as it happens. Barriers, which have existed so that physical beings have not been able to perceive or make contact with nonphysical beings, are coming down.

As each obstruction is removed, sensitive people are able to feel their connection to the universal energy. To some, this is referred to as an attunement to the new dimensional energy. It is nothing more than the body learning to resonate with a different vibration. Once a connection has been made and accepted, the soul is then able to connect at will within the expanded energy. Out of fear, some souls reject the possibility of contact with nonphysical beings.

You sensed the lowering of yet another barricade. You could have assured yourself it was not a psychic attack had you reached out and felt that it was completely positive, with no negativity around at all. What you do with this new expanded conscious field is up to you. This will permit connecting more easily with guides and communicating with other nonphysicals.

Going all the way into higher and purer vibrations allows you to develop psychic powers and reach into your akashic records to retrieve wisdom from your past lives. You will have to build up a tolerance for the higher vibration and practice exercising within it. Be patient and persistent if you seek this ability.

Viewing energy patterns

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters I have been developing the ability to form energy patterns. My favorite is a golden honeycomb pattern. I recently took a photo and I was surprised to see this golden energy floating everywhere in the photo. How amazing! I’d love to understand more about this phenomenon. I usually see it best when I’m calm and relaxed. ~AJ, USA

ANSWER: Color is all around you in the energy vibrations comprising the atmosphere. Think of the rainbows formed with the last of the moisture in the air as the sun comes back out after a storm, or the colors visible from imperfections in glass, or the patterns given off by crystals when light passes through them.

Many energy healers will tell you they can see various colors contained in their clients’ bodies indicating where disease or blockages exist. Each one of the seven major energy chakras in the body has its own color, which it gives off and to which it resonates. It is also possible to see the color of the energy that a healer uses or sends to a client.

Kirlian photography can capture the colors around a person, which will change based on the person’s feelings at the time the photo is taken. These auras can be seen by the human eye – try looking just slightly off focus at your subject. You can ask the person to feel anger, then love, and you will be able to see the colors change with the change in mood.

What you are doing is creating what many call energy balls. These are manifested by using your intention to manipulate the unconditional love or universal life force energy present around you.

The honeycomb pattern is sacred geometry, which is another means of communication. You can get a complete history of existence from the pattern called the flower of life. As you concentrate more on working with energy, you will see it more easily. Energy calls to energy, so when you use it for some purpose, more is drawn to the area.

Being calm and relaxed allows the vibrations to settle and form seeable masses. When you are active, it is like trying to look into the surface of water and having it disturbed, so nothing is clear.