Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Early memories

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters at the kitchen table, when babysitting us children, my Grandma Clara use to tell us the story of how her father had murdered her mother when she was 9. She left home at 14 to go work, as did her sisters. Because I heard it as a child, I never thought to question it. In adulthood I realized the implications of what she said. Years later I discover that my great grandmother had died of pancreatitis, and Clara was 15 not 9. My sister Marilyn said our grandmother never told that story. My childhood memory was concrete, no fantasy. In discussions we sisters have suggested that perhaps I was living in slightly different dimensions than the current one, in growing up, and perhaps heard the stories in one of them. My sister DJ suggested I actually heard my Clara’s thoughts about her mother’s death, telepathically. What is the reality? ~Margaret, USA

ANSWER: At the time Clara was sitting for you she had many memories of her childhood, and each one was a slightly different version of the truth. She felt abandoned by her parents and wished to assign blame to them for her feelings. Her mother was sickly from when Clara was about 9, so that was when her world started to fall apart. She always identified more with you than your sisters, so she “confided” her fearful memories to you and not to them.

Clara was a dreamer and had a vivid imagination and she drew you into the alternative line of thought, which made her a tragic survivor of a chaotic childhood. You could be very brooding as a child, and this fed into Clara’s feelings since she identified with this type of energy. In the intensity that you relished, you were sucked into this negative substitute for the reality she actually experienced.

Your sisters were more carefree and didn’t want to partake in anything that wasn’t fuzzy and soft and happy. Clara’s negative vibes went right over their heads as they played with their toys; you sat raptly attentive. In your sharing a part of Clara’s imaginings of her youth, you were able to help her see the way she thought things were as a nice story and something of which she could let go.

Reality is different for every person. It depends on what you accept as factual to you and how you interpret your position within that situation. When you have a dream that replays a movie you have seen or a story you have read and places you as a character therein, does that then become reality for you? Yes, to the degree you feel it is a part of your existence.

Let what resonates and feels right to you be accepted as a part of you. Don’t get hung up on what others seek to claim as their reality. You are seeing things from your own perspective.


Sleep paralysis

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I would like to know about sleep paralysis. I have had a few experiences, and they can be quite scary. Are they from brain problems/stress or disincarnates trying to scare people? ~Michael, Australia

ANSWER: In sleep paralysis, a person awakens from sleep and, for a period of time, is unable to move their limbs while still having apparently no problems visually. There are a number of different causes, but rarely is it intervention from discarnates. Discarnates want people to be able to do something for them or at least accept their statements as true, so they normally intervene while people are awake, doing meditation, or seeking advice from others.

Most sleep paralysis is caused by some type of trigger. Most commonly this will be exhaustion such as that caused by little sleep or sleep deprivation, medications that affect the nerves or physiology of the body, or emotional or psychological conditions such as anxiety or overwhelming stress.

You need not worry because your experiences have been the result of overtaxing your physical body from little sleep, anxiety, and stress. When situations get to be too much for you, take a short nap, stretch your muscles, do deep breathing to calm the situation, or meditate.

Medical studies have shown that the incidence of paralysis mostly disappears with age or when lifestyle changes are instituted. One such change can be switching from sleeping on your back to your side or stomach. If you have an episode, calming yourself until you relax will prevent any fear.

There is another phenomenon that mimics sleep paralysis, and that is when the soul has been out traveling during the body’s rest cycle and is slightly delayed in totally integrating with the physical while the person is awakening. Again, waiting calmly will prevent panic.

Spirit contact demands attention

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

QUESTION: Masters: There is a feminine being called Kali or Kali Ma. She appears to occupy dimension(s) close to earth. She is honored as a Hindu goddess. Please tell me about her. I can’t seem to get rid of her. At this point, it’s like having a crazy houseguest who won’t leave. She alternately pretends to be: my guide, a genie, my mother, a ferocious giant devil, a trickster, a child. Is she a soul who is, has been or can be a human? Why does she relentlessly pursue me? How do I get rid of her? When I reflect, I realize she’s been hanging around me, my entire life. Why? ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: You are being plagued by a discarnate, a soul who left its physical body but chose not to go into the unconditional love of the universe. She pursues you since childhood because at one time, when you were lonely, you expressed the desire to have someone to talk to and play with, which she took as an invitation to attach herself to you.

She/it is not your guide, a genie, your mother, a giant devil, or a child. It is a trickster who has spent enough time with you to understand all of your wants, dreams, and desires. It aspires to have the energy of Kali Ma, the Hindu goddess who was a fierce warrior and champion of many of the other gods. It desires power above all things. Kali means darkness, and this discarnate is definitely of negative energy and not positive light.

What it wants above all else is for you to grant it entry into your physical body so that it might control a human body again and interact with others. If this is ever allowed to happen, you will find it taking over your thought process, causing you to do things you never would have considered.

You can start the process of sending her away by being very clear that you want nothing further to do with her. Tell her to cease and desist any contact with you and to depart from your energy. Suggest she would be happier if she entered into the light where her family and friends are awaiting her. She probably does not want to do that without the opportunity of having a second human experience.

Burn sage and incense because they cause irritation to wandering spirits. You must tell her to leave, at least three times in a row, to indicate that you are serious in wanting her to move on. Specify that you are revoking any invitation she may think you have issued, clearly stating that nothing was intended to allow her entry.