Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Sensitive to negativity

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I have had a strong spiritual connection all my life and a super sensitive nature with much love to share. There has also been much trauma in my 74 years. Lately it seems I have become even more sensitive to discarnate entities than I was in the past; at least I’m more aware that negative energies of others are having an impact on me. I live in a place with a high percentage of alcoholics and addicts, and such is also rampant in my own family, including two sons in their forties and fifties. There is such heartbreak for me with my sons, and a very real feeling of abandonment. What is the past life connection, and what can I do to clear and protect myself from the negativity around me? ~Annie, USA

ANSWER: You chose a number of lessons of which you have become completely aware – mainly addictions, abandonment, lack of control, energy intensification (empathy), and self-love issues. You have not particularly worked with any of these issues, with the exception of self-love, in the past.

You chose to come into an arena where you could see addiction first hand and then decide if it was a means for you to alter your life, or if you would just be an observer who would watch and attempt to assist loved ones who did not have your strength to resist.

You have “floated” over this sea of trauma, giving advice, sympathy, and a helping hand where possible. With each person, you have “picked up” on their fears and addictions and tried to mitigate them. This has taught you that no soul has the ability to control the decisions of another unless that person participates in selecting the choices. You have doubled your own heartache by both seeing and feeling the depression in which these people have allowed themselves to engage.

With your sensitivity, you are able to sense that you have been abandoned on your path to spiritual awareness, and that these souls have no desire to take your advice or accompany you on this fantastic journey. This makes you feel as if you have failed, but that is not so. You have remained faithful to yourself and the love you have for the work you have been doing.

It is time to realize that the decisions made by others are not going to change in the near future, if ever. To enrich your life at this point, you need to separate yourself from their negativity. That doesn’t mean you have to abandon them, but just protect yourself from their negativity by surrounding yourself with the unconditional love of your own Source energy.

Congratulate yourself on the fact that you have accomplished the lessons you came to learn, and watch the rest of the action from within a cocoon of love. Project it out to those you have sought to help so that they might find the answers to their own self-love.

Connected to energy

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

QUESTON: Masters. I’m a middle-aged woman. Since childhood I’ve been able to predict things, see dreams that come true later and have prevented certain things from happening. I’ve always been ill and sickly, from infancy to 12 years or so I had violent epilepsy that consumed my life and then it just stopped. My womb has been taken out and I’ve had back surgery. I studied to be a nurse but now can’t do anything physical. Death has always surrounded me, most my relatives, past companions, dead. I can feel the energies of people and people ALWAYS seek help from me, even strangers. I’ve just had this strong interest and connection to the metaphysical, to the spiritual elements of things. So my question is, could I become a healer? What could my mission on this Earth be? ~Heli, Finland

ANSWER: All souls have the same mission while in a physical form: to learn the lessons they chose before coming, and to get to know exactly what the nature of being a soul entails. Your lessons include physical ailments and understanding that they do not define who you are. Some people with difficulties let the definition of their disease identify who they are and how they interact with those around them. You saw each condition as something to overcome while living your life.

The work you envisioned for your lifetime involves energy and communication between the dimensions. Physical bodies are healed by realigning the various functions of the body to return them to the pattern from which they started. You unconsciously have done this for yourself, and you transmit energy out to others to assist them. In other words, you have been doing healing for quite some time. This ability to transfer energy to others is why strangers are drawn to you – they feel you are a healing spot.

There is no perfect way to balance the body, no one form of “energetic healing.” They all involve the use of universal life-force energy to restructure the misaligned parts. No special training is needed to fulfill this ability. The intention of the person who is activating the energy, as well as the intention of the recipient, determines the degree of shifting, or healing, that occurs.

Those with whom you were close who have transitioned are available to assist you to start to feel the flow of energy. Read a little of the material out there that talks about various methods that have worked for others, and develop your own connection to the flow. Practice, and the skill is yours.

Dictating the experiences of others

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters how can I make it come about that astral travelers and other so-called masters of the spirit world would have their souls reset to zero identity, to no actualization? It seems clear now that the enemies of humanity are found in these types of people. How can we destroy their soul identities? How could we trap their souls and deplete their soul energy by using it for industrial activities, for example? ~David, USA

ANSWER: Being a bit judgmental aren’t you? How do you know that each of these souls isn’t partaking in a joint venture with a number of other souls including your own? Any soul who practices can learn astral travel to utilize lessons learned in previous lives, to assist in the learning of fellow journeyers within this duality, or even to enhance their own learning. The term “master” implies a soul who has spent many lives learning all the possible aspects of a particular human characteristic in order to be of assistance to those studying that trait in their Earthly experience.

How do you come to the conclusion that these studious souls are the enemies of humanity? Souls become a part of humanity to learn from the duality that exists on Earth. They come to see, understand, and gain wisdom from lessons chosen by themselves, and the only way they can learn such a positive lesson is by observing its negative opposite. This is created by their own pre-planning, not by some other soul who has gone before.

Souls are not physical, and therefore it is impossible for them to be integrated into physical machinery. Since souls are pieces of Source, they are eternal and cannot be destroyed. To “wipe” a soul’s memory or identity, you would have to change the composition of Source energy and everything that flows, or has flown, from that origin – including yourself.

All your ideas fit nicely into science fiction theorems but not into the journey of the soul accomplished through reincarnation. How would you feel if someone decided your ideas were dangerous, and that you should have your mind wiped of everything you have ever thought or experienced so that you would no longer be able to bother people with your attempts to dictate what other souls should learn?