Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Connecting with nonphysical energies

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters various thoughts, impressions and images pop into my head when I am giving a Reiki healing session. What am I tapping into or communicating with? ~Catherine, United Kingdom

ANSWER:  Practitioners who commit themselves to a connection with the Universal Life Force Energy for the purpose of assisting others to bring their existence back into balance join a network of beings dedicated to that action. When you went through the “opening” process through the attunement into Reiki energy, you became part of the group of healers who are always ready, willing, and able to assist others.

Once you begin with your procedure, you connect to the “party line,” so to speak, and utilize the combined intention of the Reiki Masters and other light workers toward the goal you seek. What you are hearing and seeing is their joint communication to help synchronize the healing that is taking place.

They will occasionally send a message to you and the others that they have detected a blockage or disease that needs to have additional or special attention. You also sometimes hear or see their personal thoughts as they act as a conduit for the healing energy.

You have the ability to open the conversation, to ask and answer questions, and to engage in the discussions that are floating around. Just release your own thoughts, while concentrating on the flow of energy to the client, and engage in the dialogue around you.

Bilocation not different bodies

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, as you said in another message, a soul can only inhabit one body at a time. How to explain cases of bilocation like when Sai Baba could be seen by a group of people in India and by another group in a totally different part of the world? The same occurred with Catholic St. Father Pio when he lived in a small town in Italy but he could be seen in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and also different parts of Italy. ~Jorge, Brazil

ANSWER: There is a difference between a soul’s using its abilities as an unrestricted Source energy to be seen in more than one place and its having the ability to live two entirely different lives in two separate bodies simultaneously. The purpose for a soul to enter into a body, or incarnate, in the first place is to learn more about itself and the peculiar characteristics that appear only in a negative environment.

The soul accomplishes enlightenment by using its freedom of choice to remove its existence from ego judgment and redefine itself within unconditional love evaluation. First comes the knowledge of the choices and their implications, and then comes the wisdom of being able to apply these practices to any similar circumstance.

Once a soul has completed all, or most, of its chosen lessons, it has let loose of any connection to negative energy and is bathed in its essence of positive love energy. When all negativity is gone, anything that is possible for the soul to do in its energy alone it can do with its body accompanying its intentional desires.

As with all powers in the spiritual realm, a soul performs its desires merely by intending. For instance, it is possible for one to project their image, or even their body, to another location at will, which is what has occurred with the souls you have mentioned and many others. But understand that this is the same body within which they learned all their desired lessons, not another chosen for the journey. They simply have the intention to be seen in more than one location at the same time. It is similar to using the Internet to appear in front of people all over the planet at the same time.

Spirits contacts

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters 10 years ago I worked with a spirit guide who gave me information about myself and life in spirit. I would meditate, raise my vibration, sit opposite him and record the answers he gave. I thought he had my best interests at heart. Two mediums told me he was a genuine guide but he introduced a harmful energy into my body which destabilized my root chakra. I’ve never fully recovered from this injury but I ended the contact shortly after. Just recently I’ve developed a healing energy after taking Angelsword flower essence. I am able to instigate the healing energy at will. This has come with clairaudience from a group of 4 beings, 2 female, 2 male (one is angel, so I’m told). The problem is I have a problem trusting them; and am worried they will cause me further harm. Can I trust these guides? ~Lynnie, UK

ANSWER: One of your most important lessons in this lifetime is that of discernment: being able to examine what is being presented to you and determine whether or not it is true within your spiritual journey and should be embraced.

One of the potential dangers in working with spirit guides is becoming complacent about your contact with them so that you forget to put up protection to keep other entities from interceding. The spirit with whom you worked for so long was of the light and never meant any harm to you. During one of your sessions, another discarnate soul came along and joined your conversation since nothing was in place to block its intervention. It was that spirit who destabilized you, not the one with whom you had spent so much time. This negativity was what was so difficult to remove.

The group you are currently working with are all of the light and want to strengthen you and help you along your path. It is still vital that, before beginning any session with any nonphysical entities, you protect yourself with an incantation that you will open to and communicate with only those who come forth for the highest and greatest good of your soul.

The flower essence will continue to help strengthen your clarity and conductivity. As you begin any meeting, and during it as well, periodically reach out and make sure the information coming through to you resonates with your soul. If you feel any disruption in your body – scratching, irritation, or an instability – immediately end the gathering and, while cleansing out their energy, bring in your healing vibrations.

Trust is not something that comes automatically. Test all situations by examining the information provided with your past experiences. Start small – don’t let anyone try to overwhelm you with too much information at one time so that you are not vigilant.