Archive for the ‘Psychic Contact’ Category

Power of negativity

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters my mother, in her 70s, is very challenging. Although she claims to be kind, loving and strong, she is often provoking, cruel, selfish, demanding, controlling and manipulative. After a series of disrespectful and downright strange behaviors towards me, that repeated childhood trauma, and her professing innocence, I decided to disengage for my own protection and sanity. Now my mother psychically haunts me and demands that I telephone her. Is she bringing with her a dark female entity to also haunt me? Or did I do this? A being actually hits me as I sleep or rest, saying I need her and that I’ll be sorry. How many disruptive beings are after me? Please explain and help. ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: Your mother is still trying to treat you like a child and exert complete control over you. She is everything you surmised about her and is in league with negative spirits. Negativity gathers more negativity; negative spirits invite additional negative spirits to join in their games, and she has a pile of them around her. Your mother believes very strongly in her superiority and uses it to project her desires at and to other people. She truly believes that she is a “good” person and that everything she does is for the benefit of others.

By distancing yourself, you are honoring and loving yourself. But you still have not resolved all the damage your mother did to your psyche when you were young. You fear her, and that gives her and her negative minions the ability to taunt you whenever they desire. She wants to have you cater to her every wish, so she is sending energy to disrupt your life. You have allowed this to have an effect upon you because of your fear of her power.

You need to protect yourself from all this negativity. Start first by surrounding yourself with white light composed of unconditionally loving positive energy, which you may easily bring in from the universe. The negative spirits cannot penetrate this barrier. Be very clear in your intention that you do not want their interference, and revoke whatever permission to bother you anyone may feel they now possess.

Ask your personal guides to watch over any attempts to interfere with you at any time, but particularly when you are at rest. In a meditation, reach out to give the message very strongly to your mother’s higher self that you do not intend to give in to her demands and that all contacts should cease.

It is very important that you be firm in these actions and that you do not let the past influence the future. You are made of the same essence as your mother and therefore are as strong, manipulative, and powerful as she – as long as you believe you are and never falter in that belief.

Negative spirits being pesky

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters why do lost souls and bad spirits bother me all the time? They come in my dreams and when I wake up I see them leaving. They attached to me before and made my life hell. They sucked all my good energy. I pray and pray for them to find their light then I don’t see them for a while, but then new ones come around again. I am so tired of this crap. I want them away from me for good. I don’t care if they need help. Life is hard without them already. ~Roselia, Canada

ANSWER: When they first made contact with you, you decided that you would help these “poor” souls find their way Home. Unfortunately, what you were dealing with were souls who were remaining in the third dimension because they determined that they had unfinished business – mostly of a negative kind. What you provided for them was nice positive energy to keep moving forward. So they passed the word on and you became a rest stop and supply filling station.

Since they continually sucked energy from you, you were left only with the despair and negative energy they replaced for your positive energy. Some did finally move on because they finished up their business and heard you talk about going Home so much that they did. What you didn’t know was that you had to remove the doormat welcoming others to your world.

Enlist your guides to help set up a barrier around you preventing just any spirit from entering. Instead of praying to an outside source, understand that you have the power to control this situation. Your personal intention is the door key: don’t want company? Then lock the door.

Don’t think that all spirits are just lost – some intentionally want to stick around and suck energy from you. Just get out of the business of trying to assist wayward souls and your life will change for the better. If you still have a need to be of assistance, send unconditional love to all those who haven’t been able to find their way Home that they may understand the way Home.

Messages from beyond

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, I am curious about an experience I recently encountered with my mother. We were traveling across states and stopped at a hotel for the night. We switched out of the first room we had, into a different room, because we had a weird feeling about it. Later we saw three individuals in the hotel that gave me a very strong feeling that we were in danger or that something terrible was going to happen. Was I sensing something or was I being paranoid? How can we discern between the two? ~Skyler, USA

ANSWER: The land and hotel that you visited has been the site of several human life ending events. Some of the souls who were involved have not transitioned yet because they do not know that they are dead. The energy that surrounded these actions is extremely negative and draws in living humans who want to connect to that negative feeling and also feel safe that they will not stand out from “normal” people because of the energy.

The first room was one of the ones where a death took place. The three individuals that you saw were engaged in criminal activity related to drugs and were expecting a setup by a rival gang. Nothing happened that night but the potential was there. The men were armed, and if you had seemed to be interested in or had interfered with them, you would have been in danger.

Both you and your mother are very sensitive to negativity when it is present in massive amounts. Your guides were also making contact with you that evening to get you to be aware of the difference in the degree of negativity that was present. This is a learning that you can carry with you all the time.

If you consciously scan the area around you, the degree of negativity will register just like a thermometer. The only possible danger to you in such a circumstance would be if it enticed you to gather some of that negativity into your body, replacing your usual positive, unconditional loving energy.

The further you step away from ego judgment, the purer will be your love presence and the easier it will be to feel the status of those near you. When a soul is not consciously aware of the energy balance, negativity has a very strong pulling force and tries to capture a larger portion of your essence. Stay in love and the world is beautiful and bright with no detectible fear.