Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Been there, done that, what’s next?

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I don’t know what has happened to me. I used to be a happy, optimistic person, with a huge life energy. Now, most of the time, I am a desperate, depressed and tired young woman. I feel I have already experienced everything possible in life, and that I have been so blessed to experience a pure heavenly happiness that now is my turn to suffer. Most times I feel I would like to end my life, because it makes no sense to me and I don’t want to grow old. It is so exhausting that one day I see some hope in the life while other days I would just like to give up and go back Home. ~Reetta, Finland

ANSWER: Every soul creates its own reality. Your creation, until recently, was a happy, optimistic, beautiful life. Then you decided that it was too difficult to push aside the negativity that rules society and allowed yourself to become depressed and desperate for someone or something to come rescue you while you adopted the “there is nothing here for me” attitude.

You came to Earth with a whole list of things you wanted to do, and you haven’t even completed half your choices. How can you say that you have experienced everything that is possible in life? Have you visited everywhere that interests you? Have you watched a sunset from the middle of the ocean? Have you spent time with each of the species of animals who inhabit the planet? Have you held someone’s hand while they transitioned? Have you found a passion that makes each day magnificent and draws you through life?

What has happened is that things were so easy for so long, and now that you have to put a little effort into achieving something new, you have decided you want to quit. It is your choice what comes next because each soul has complete freedom of choice. You never envisioned yourself as a quitter, but of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t become one.

You have stopped loving yourself. as well. All the time that went as you desired allowed you to love and accept and move forward with your life. Now that energy has shifted, and it appears to be too much trouble; you hate yourself where previously you loved all that you had chosen for this life.

There is no “turn to suffer” – or, for that matter, to be rewarded. The same situation looks different to someone not involved in it, and each person decides their point of view. Is rain something to complain about, or something to rejoice in? Time to evaluate your perspective.

Losing a child

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, my daughter died last year. A medium told me that I lost a child in a previous life as well. Why did I choose to come back to this life only to lose a child yet again? Wasn’t once enough? Did I not learn enough about grief, loss and pain the first time? Was this a contract made between my daughter and I before birth? If so, for what purpose? ~Luci, Australia

ANSWER: When you choose a life lesson there are many aspects relating to it. When you lost the child in your former life you shut yourself down completely, not working with the grief, abandonment, guilt, and self-pity. Shortly after the event you decided to join her at Home through suicide. Once there, you realized you had missed the opportunity to learn about those characteristics as you had wanted, and you chose to try to do it again – hence your current life.

You and your daughter did agree that she would be the soul to assist you in a second attempt to understand these horrific emotions. She had wanted to come for a shortened life and this fit perfectly into her plans. A soul’s agreements are generally centered around setting up a stage to be able to face what they wish to experience.

An example of once not being enough can be seen in women who marry an abuser. They finally realize they don’t have to put up with the abuse and divorce him. The only thing they know is that type of relationship, because they don’t look into any other, and end up marrying an abuser a second time. They may even repeat this a third or fourth time because they are convinced this is what marriage is all about.

When a soul is working on lessons chosen for a particular lifetime, if they don’t give themselves time to dig into the facts and try to understand their options, they will put themselves right back into the same set of facts so they might complete the chosen learning process.

Analyze the feelings that have arisen in your life. Understand that both of you are eternal souls and will always meet on the spiritual plane. Allow yourself to feel the grief, sense of abandonment, and guilt. Connect it to other factors in this and past lives so that you might fully understand how you can shape the experience to gain wisdom about this human existence.

And don’t forget to talk to your daughter, either directly or through your guides. She will be waiting for you when you have finished this life.

Self-fulfilling prophesies

Tuesday, October 10th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters since I was a child, I used to think and feel that my mother doesn’t love me or even like me. The most negative side of this is that we spent the whole life fighting each other. Another bad thing of this is that I introjected a negative feeling that I am not worthy and I don’t deserve love, caring and loyalty from anyone, attracting much suffering into my life. Today, I do feel my mother hates me and I really gave up of our relationship. What actually is happening in a spiritual level? ~Clara, Brazil

ANSWER: You are describing the major life lessons you chose to experience in this lifetime. You are examining all aspects of love and hate between two humans. You made it more difficult for yourself since you also decided to deal with a sense of self-loathing and lack of self-worth and confidence.

In order to work through the love/hate issues, you need to first resolve your personality traits. You are accepting the thinking of others when they have said to you that you are worthless and will never amount to anything. You are a piece of Source energy and cannot move beyond where you are right now unless, and until, you truly accept your own powers and abilities as a piece of Source.

The essence of your soul is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-magnificent, and all-creative. Nowhere in your inner being is there a lack of anything. You deserve everything that will allow you to experience the chosen lessons of your life – if you allow yourself to accept that as a fact.

Whenever you start to think that you are not worthy, stop and ask yourself why you think that. Your unconscious will bring to light the origin of such thoughts. You will then be able to face them and see that they do not apply to the person you are today. If you believe they apply to you, then you create a world where you cannot escape them.

Once you have gotten to the point of knowing you can deal with anything that comes your way, you will then be able to understand the positive/negative energy that creates the love/hate dichotomy. Souls possess the freedom of choice to determine how they deal with their lessons. Humans experience things in society and deal with them using ego judgment.

The spiritual approach is to step away from the negative energy needed to judge actions and just observe through the use of a positive energy love filter. You will be able to see that your hatred of your mother is merely in response to her actions toward you. You may either mirror her actions or choose to love the fact that she is a soul who has chosen negative lessons and honor her right to do so even while disliking her choice.