Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Is there a lesson priority?

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I’m a few months into a job I don’t really enjoy. However, I feel that if I quit, I will not learn the lesson of persistence. And if I stay, I will not learn the lesson of independence and pursuing what is interesting to me. Is it possible that in this situation the choice is not really important as both situations would end up being life lessons that I chose before coming here? Do lessons have hierarchy? ~Greta, Lithuania

ANSWER: You have examined persistence in detail, and there is no longer a need to stay in this position for more such experience. A soul creates its own reality by the choices it makes and the beliefs by which it lives. Sometimes you find yourself lured into a situation just for you to realize (1) that it is something that does not serve your learning process and (2) that there is nothing wrong with admitting that and moving on to something else.

When you admit something isn’t working, or right for you, and you change direction, you are taking responsibility for your life and, by default, adding to your knowledge. It is time to do only what “feels” like it resonates with you. It is time to work on those goals of self-confidence, independence (being responsible for your own decisions), and finding something about which you can become passionate.

There is no hierarchy in the lessons you chose. Once you have recognized and worked through a particular lesson, you can let it go if you can see similar situations before you get too wrapped up in them. That is not to say that the universe may not plop another example down in front of you – like this job – but you will not learn anything new by repeating the process over again.

The only priority a soul has with its lessons is that it attempts to completely learn the basis for choosing as many as possible in each existence. But there are no rules or requirements. Create a life that will allow you to be yourself and acquire as much wisdom about human living as you desire.

Repeating patterns

Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

Question: Masters please help me understand why this situation always repeats itself in my life and makes me suffer so much: there always appears someone who seems to like me but suddenly I know that this man has another woman, or he always chooses to stay with another and I always get lonely and feeling very rejected! Why does this happen? Is it any life lesson? Is it karma? What should I learn from this and how should I deal with this painful situation? ~Marina, Portugal

ANSWER: Some of your life lessons include abandonment, rejection, self-guilt and self-loathing. You don’t think you are worthy enough for a sharing, loving relationship, so you draw to you only men who understand you have such low expectations that they can simply come and get a taste of something new before they move on.

As you go through each of these cycles, you don’t learn anything or change your opinion about yourself, so the message you send out to the next man with your energy is the same: “Come and use me; I deserve it.”

Start working on an understanding of who you are as a soul. You are a piece of Source energy: magnificent, all-knowing, all-powerful, and able to manifest your desires. Until you can accept that as your essence, you will not be able to change the image you have of yourself.

Don’t try to learn everything at once. Take each emotional characteristic and see why you feel it describes you. When you understand what your beliefs are, you can change them by an acceptance of your inner power. After you have shed your negative interpretation of life, visualize what life would fulfill you. Believe that you can draw that life to you and, most importantly, that you are entitled to that degree of happiness and love.

Be true to yourself. Never do something or act in a manner you believe someone else wants you to unless it feels exactly what you would do if the choice were yours – because it is. Nothing is predetermined. Everyone creates their own reality. Begin designing and living your desired life.

When you see the pattern change it

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters while my mother was alive, I judged her mercilessly, lacked compassion, and was relentlessly unkind toward her. 25 years later, I am now the age she was when she died, and have lived through many of the same experiences as she, which I judged her, and myself, so harshly for. My kids now judge me the same way I judged her. Karma? Since her death, I have focused on thriving, finding peace, working toward unconditional love. However, I still feel terrible how I treated this beautiful soul who was my mother in this life. Was this learning our soul agreement with each other?   ~Mary Anne, Australia

ANSWER: Not karma but following the example shown to you. When you grow up with someone treating you in a particular way, you think that is the “normal” way to behave. You took your mother’s mannerisms and duplicated them so that you were each merciless, relentlessly unkind, and without any compassion. Unconsciously, it was this same pattern with which you raised your kids – so they are now perpetuating the training.

We always advise souls that their life lessons appear to them as fears and doubts. You have come to recognize the disastrous consequences of the behavior you believed was normal. This awareness allows you to change the way you think and act.

You have changed your behavior since your realization, but you have not been aware enough to pass on your learning to your children. Sit down with them and discuss why you treated them the way you did – that that was all you knew to do at the time and have now learned there is another way to interact with people.

Inform them about the destructiveness of negativity and that unconditional love heals all discord. Help them put aside negativity and strive to build a layer of positive energy, peace, and love around them.

As you have come to accept, all souls are beautiful; all souls are the same. You, your mother, and your children have all chosen to experience the same type of lessons and knew that together it would be easy to set up the circumstances needed. Part of the lesson is that, with realization, a second lesson pops up, and that is guilt.

To alleviate guilt, all you have to do is accept that you were all in this together by your own choices. All have entered into the cycle, and understanding is the resolution. Your mother is cheering you on to see if, now that you have learned, you may also be able to bring the kids into the fold.