Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Can’t we be successful in all things at once?

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I came from a financially struggling family, however I got good education and prospered, going abroad and having good jobs and a relatively prosperous financial and professional life. Years ago, my girlfriend and I discovered we were having a baby. I returned to Brazil, married her and have a happy family life, but my professional life went down and down I did not manage to reestablish myself here. Why this is happening? What do I have to learn with that and when this will be finished? Can we have happiness in all sectors of life simultaneously or we have always some challenge in one field? I had a stable financial and professional life, but an unstable family life. Now it is the other way around. Can’t we have it all? ~João, Brazil

ANSWER: Each soul determines what lessons it wishes to learn in each lifetime. You chose to experience discernment, having faith in yourself, taking responsibility for your choices, and not being afraid to change direction when it is necessary to accomplish what you wish.

Whenever you make a major directional change, you are starting all over again. Returning to Brazil to take care of your responsibilities for your family, you chose to start all over again in your professional life since, after marrying your wife, you did not return to where you had found financial success.

This all happened so that you would examine your choices and see if there was some way, out of the belief system under which you grew up, that would benefit you better. You had learned how to break out of the financial struggle that was the pattern of your family when you removed yourself from their influence. Back in Brazil, you took up where you were in your youth.

It is not imperative that you leave Brazil, but you must rid yourself of the beliefs that have gotten you back where you started. You create your own reality, so manufacture a life where you are successful. There is no spiritual restriction that says you are limited in your successes in one life.

Every time you make a decision, question why you are making it. If it doesn’t seem to resonate with you, then you are choosing based on old patterns and beliefs rather than because it will accomplish what you want. Always ask: Why am I doing this? Why am I staying with this job? Why are we living where we are? What are the possible choices for me that will increase my finances? You can have it all if it resonates with your life.

What do I do?

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I am married for many years but feel hidden hatred from my husband. He says he loves me but due to circumstances is unable to be happy. We both have had a lot of stress and bad luck with finances since the beginning but have got lovely kids together. I have been now told I’m depressed and feel like a machine walking through life. I did briefly get connected to another person who made me feel happy, but that situation was also complicated and had to be stopped/put on hold. How do I know if I should stay in the marriage or the other person was right, or I should move on and find happiness alone? ~L., Asia

ANSWER: You and your husband, while a good match when you first got married, have moved away from each other in ideals and beliefs. He resents you at this time, thinking that you and the children are what are causing his discomfort in his job and life. However, he still does love the idea of being married and having sired a wonderful family.

He spends a lot of time in a “poor me” mood where he revels in his misfortune and blames it on everything and anything but his own actions. Since he is always looking at the bad, or negative, side of things, he is unable to find happiness, which resides in positive, loving energy. How you look at life is a personal choice, where you can choose to be happy.

Your dalliance with the other man was to show you the possibilities. It was not the right time for you to make a change, so the circumstances prevented it. Your current state of mind results from an acceptance that things can’t get better. You dictate your reality, so choose the world you desire.

Every soul is extremely powerful and can bring to itself what it wishes. But, first, you have to believe that you can. You have to decide exactly what it is that you want, visualize it, and then bring it to you. There are no rights or wrongs during a spiritual journey, just choices. See what resonates with you and start in that direction.

Deciding what works and what doesn’t

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, after a deep depression I entered candomblé, in this trajectory I found the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, I knew the Reiki arriving at the masters. Everything was very fast and I felt synchronicity in the way, I have gradually moved away from any religion. I left my old profession to dedicate myself to Reiki and flower therapy, it’s been almost a year and I’m not doing well with my space, I do not have clients, did I misinterpret my heart? Did I go wrong at some point? ~Luciane, Brasil

ANSWER: (Candomblé, or “dance in honor of the gods,” is an African-derived religious practice in which music and dance are integral parts.) While you state you have moved away from any religion, Candomblé is a religion. When you became involved in it, you were directed during the practices to change your life into where you find yourself right now.

When you come out of a depression, where you have no impression of who you are or what you should be doing, you are susceptible to believing things you would normally take time to consider before adopting. Those who were around you as you started making a new belief system to regulate your existence were totally engrossed in energy and plant healing – so that seemed the way to go.

In any new profession, the practitioner takes a while to become known and therefore to gather clients. Flower therapy is not accepted by the general population – nor, for that matter, is Reiki. This limits the number of potential clients as well. If you were to look to fellow members of your belief system, you would have a ready-made base of clients. However, there are a number of practitioners of Reiki and flower essences who have been working in the field for some time and are therefore your competition.

It is common for humans to wish to engage in fields for which they do not have the qualifications to make them immediately successful. You could still make a career of these interests, but you must have patience and research all the possibilities to advertise yourself and gather people. You could not become a doctor or a lawyer without schooling and internships. Try finding a current practitioner who will let you work with them for experience.