Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

How should I behave?

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

QUESTION: Masters should I continue to tell people what I think and feel? What do I do in my healing sessions and in my personal life? I don’t want to mess with the free-will or evolution process of the others. Or even my own. Could you enlighten me about my boundaries? ~Lisa, Portugal

ANSWER: As you have suggested, every soul has freedom of choice. That freedom includes whether or not they follow the advice and direction of other souls sharing the planet with them. It is impossible to make someone do something unless they go along with the idea. Therefore, it is basically not possible to “make” someone alter their free will to comply with yours.

The evolutionary, or awakening, or enlightening process is determined by the belief systems that each individual adopts as the governing regulations by which they choose to exist and decide how they will perform their daily tasks. It is their determination if they think that they should do exactly as someone else has told them to – but that makes it their decision and their belief that it is the right thing for them.

As for yourself, it is only through making decisions that resonate with you that you see what you want to use as beliefs. That is the very process of finding out who you are and what potential you possess. One way to discover what you feel comfortable with regarding procedures dictating your lifestyle is to “claim” or voice them to another. That is what you call telling others what you think and feel.

It is not your responsibility to take credit or blame for what others do with the information that you provide them. In any healing session, the results are determined by a combination of the energy you bring through for their balancing of negative symptoms within their body and the way they accept and think about the possibility of a healing.

It can happen that you bring in the most intense and appropriate energy to “heal” a client, and because they have no faith that they will be healed, nothing changes. Or other times, a client will believe in the procedure during the treatment, but when they get home, they engage in the same practices that brought on the discomfort in the first place and snap right back to where they started before you assisted them.

Being yourself and having faith in your intuition, feelings, and discoveries is loving yourself for this life you have chosen.

Life lessons and living in ego duality

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters after several years living abroad, I am back in my hometown for a visit. Today, for the second time in less than ten days, someone tried to alter the facts to an issue in which I was involved. I know there are two sides to every story, but I would love to understand how people can be so removed from what actually happened (in this case, there was video evidence). How can people have such different perceptions of the same facts? Why is this presenting itself to me? I feel hurt and disappointed about being misled and misinterpreted! ~Juliana, Switzerland

ANSWER: For life lessons this time around, you chose to study various ways to accept yourself, honor your decisions, develop faith in yourself, and not have concern for what other people think of you. This current situation is presenting you with the whole gambit of conditions that will assist you in this study. Human life takes place in the duality of the Earth world where the ego rules, and judgment is the way society determines “worth” and “success.”

Within this existence, each soul creates its own reality using beliefs that they accept as their truth. What is one person’s truth, based upon the beliefs by which they control their life, may be totally foreign to anyone else. If part of one’s belief system is that something can or cannot have occurred, then they are literally bound by that determination, unless or until they make the decision to change their set beliefs.

The people around you who are “remembering” things in a way other than they happened are being controlled by their own beliefs and also acceding to the beliefs that society has accepted as truth. When people want to be a part of something, they give up their own ideals and merge into the group to be counted as one of “them.”

One of your lessons, as mentioned above, is to not let the opinions of other people impact you when you believe that you are right and they are wrong. To stick with your knowledge and not be bothered by others is to honor your spiritual journey. You can be hurt by another only if you allow yourself to be. Don’t waste your time on disappointment because they don’t meet your expectations; just go with the flow of the universe and live your own life.



Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

QUESTION: Masters two weeks ago I was run over by a cyclist, landed on my side, and fortunately I wasn’t hurt. But then my seasonal allergies got worse, and one night I woke up in fear, had a little stabbing pain in my chest… as if I couldn’t breathe. I checked the symptoms and it seemed a panic attack, which I have never experienced before. Went to the doc, told me my bronchi were a bit closed. Also had trouble sleeping, and night sweats. I’ve been taking natural remedies (ginger, eucalyptus, etc) with good results. But yesterday I had like a weird episode of generalized anxiety in my body, coming from the center of my chest, on and off for 2 hours, as if I was on the edge of panic. Hope it doesn’t repeat. What are your comments /suggestions? ~Rosario, Perú

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: You are suffering the aftermaths of the shock to your system occurring during your run-in with the cyclist. It has triggered “possibilities” that your unconscious self has taken very seriously, creating this panic of “what could have been” to impact your bodily systems.

The seasonal allergies intensity arose from the body being shaken up and not controlling invaders as well as usual. Your mind is in constant running mode in the background and you are not even aware of it. When the tension builds unconsciously, it finally tips the scale so that the body reacts. You are sensing this in the area of your chest where your breathing and heart rate are being affected as your body clenches up. This produces what society calls panic attack syndrome.

Until you consciously investigate the causes, this will continue to occur. An easy way to deal with this would be to work with a hypnotherapist who could take you back to the triggering incident and let you examine how your mind reacted to the possible consequences. You could then work with the fact that none of these consequences actually happened, so you are holding yourself in a perpetual state of anticipation. If you retain this expectation long enough, it will cause some of the negative activities to play out for you.

You could also start delving into this energy through deep meditation or consciously priming yourself to bring it up during your dream state. As you start to fall asleep, or when entering into a meditation, ask yourself to show you why you are having these physical symptoms and what you can do to lessen them. Above all else, when you start to feel tense take a moment, do deep breathing, and counsel yourself to relax.