Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Fed up with life

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I am so angry with all Spiritual Guides. I don’t know why I am experiencing the life I have, but whatever the reasons are, I don’t want this lesson/life anymore. I really want to find a romantic relationship, but it has never happened to me. I am asexual, gay, have a very particular personality, struggle with mental health issues, and I am not within the society’s views of beauty, so I am aware of the difficulty. But even when I met compatible people, no one ever chooses me. For many years I was holding out hope, but now I hate being in this situation and I beg every day to find ANYTHING. Whatever person, even an abuser, will work. I can’t take this bad life path anymore. Why is no one listening? Why am I not allowed to change this?? (I tried, in all physical, spiritual, and energetic ways) ~Gabbie, USA

ANSWER: Have you finished throwing your little temper tantrum? There is no need to blame anyone but yourself for the life you are living because you planned it before entering that body. No one makes decisions for a soul’s journey but that soul. Once on Earth, each soul, now a human being, creates their own reality.

A reality is controlled by the beliefs you choose to have regulate and control your life. In the beginning these come from parents, teachers, and society. You have to learn that they can be exchanged for something you desire. Creating a reality occurs by accepting that you have the ability to manifest things necessary to complete your chosen lessons.

Your first job is to accept that you are a piece of Source energy and are beautiful and deserving of love. The problem is that you can only love another to the degree that you love yourself, and with your current state of self-hatred, no one wants to be anywhere near your energy.

You are wallowing in self-pity and insisting that someone else has caused all this and they need to change things immediately. Others don’t have to listen; it is up to you to just believe and take action. Your attitude is like saying you don’t want to watch what is on television, but you are waiting for someone else to come and change the channel instead of getting up and doing it yourself.

“Good” changes cannot occur in negativity. For this reason, you must learn to step away from negative thinking and activities and bring in positive, loving energy. Your essence and the rest of the nonphysical universe is composed of unconditional love. Every time you start getting depressed, upset, or condemning of your condition, stop and relax into unconditional love because it is available all around you. In that state, examine what is happening. Send away the negative feelings and replace them with loving energy. This will – and you can – change your environment.

Dealing with life lessons

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I have been dealing with chronic debilitating nerve pain. A cousin recommended a healer that helped her and her husband with several health issues. The healer thought my nerve pain was due to a dysfunction in my stomach. He recommended a plant supplement, maca. This removed my pain for several weeks, but the pain returned. I had many long-distance healing sessions with him, but my nerve pain remained. He had known many things about me that he could not have researched. So, I was surprised that I didn’t receive healing. May I ask, what went wrong in this situation? ~Anne, USA

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER:  A number of things have occurred here. First, you are dealing with a life lesson in which it is up to you to figure out why your unconscious believes you need to experience this pain. Hint: it has to do with guilt from some of your actions in a past life where you inflicted pain on others. Second, you have had difficulties with your body integrating nutrition, and that is why the maca worked only until your life lesson overpowered it. Be kind to your body.

When you have a powerful lesson and try to circumvent it by finding some way to cope with the alert signs in another fashion, your unconscious higher self will not let you just ignore it. At first, it thinks maybe you are dealing with the warning signs so that the problem is easier to see, but then when you don’t attack the initial cause, it helps reinforce the issue.

This is a spiritual, or life-learning journey, puzzle. The way to approach understanding is to ask yourself each time the pain appears: What is it that I am feeling deep inside? What am I fixated on? Go beneath the physical sensations themselves into the mental, emotional body. If a picture, a saying, a memory pops up, follow it to its origin.

Finding the causative action may happen during a deep meditation, a brief flashback, a déjà vu experience, or under hypnosis. Examining your state of mind at the time of the initial incident will allow you to see what has stuck around to cause you this reaction today. You need to examine forgiveness for yourself, removal of guilt, and other issues such as betrayal and abandonment.

The pain is like a ringing telephone. The noise is to get your attention and have you answer the call to see what you might be missing. Find the connections, understand them, and then you can reset your body to stop being a signaling device.


A lesson in balancing

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I have a friend who I have recently reconnected with after some advice from an Akashic records reading. He convinced himself years ago that I’d betrayed him, this does not correspond to my memory of the time but to this day he keeps coming back to this seemingly invented betrayal. I can’t keep entertaining his belief that I owe him something – however I do wish him to be well. Could you please state what I might benefit from my continued association with him? If any. Perhaps why the records reading advised such a reconnection? And if you are able to elaborate on the origin of this “betrayal” and why he needs to keep reminding me of it. ~Steven, UK

ANSWER: Your friend has never had confidence in his “readings” of situations, so he has developed an imagination that always makes him the hero and makes any other participants lacking in grace, sincerity, truthfulness, and sharing. Whenever a situation arises where he has misread or mishandled an event, where he should accept his faults and apologize, he instead shifts all the blame to the other party and demands validation of his own actions. As we have said many times, each soul creates their own reality, and his does not conform to anyone else’s.

One of your life lessons was to accept that all people are different and may not agree with you. The lesson, therefore, involves how you handle such situations and what you can learn from them. In a situation such as this, you can confront him, as you have done several times with your truth; you can argue and fail to see that he is steadfast in his recollection; and you can walk away, which you did.

Another way of handling the matter is to say to him that your point of view does not jibe with his, but that you honor his right to his own view and that it is time to drop the discussions and move on to other things. Arguing with him over the matter serves no one. Back away and refuse to fight.

Dealing with the control dramas that come about during disagreements of this type is why you were directed back into this scenario. Without reaching a comfort level in dealing with disputes, you are missing a sensitization to the feelings of others. You don’t have to love the humans you are spending time with, but you need to honor their souls for the choices they have made.

The “betrayal” had more to do with your not wholeheartedly agreeing with your friend’s conclusions than any specific activity in which you engaged. Don’t spend any of your time worrying about it. The version he holds dear to him has changed over the years to match the insecurities of the moment. When you learn to not let his singlemindedness affect you any longer, you are ready to move on if you choose.