Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Visualizing and aphantasia

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I have a problem visualizing, have for many years. Now I finally stumbled on the term aphantasia today and was wondering why would I incarnate with this problem especially if I feel my purpose is to help humanity and now I have no direct link to my spirit team of teachers and guides (like so many do). Also, I see what looks like heat rising from the surface around me and then know someone is here from spirit. Is my life lesson to get over been frustration? ~Lesle, South Africa

ANSWER: Aphantasia, or the inability to form mental pictures, does not prevent one from connecting to their guides. What if you had chosen to be born blind and have no reference as to what a cat or a chair looks like? Would that prevent you from knowing what they are? Absolutely not. You rely on your other senses.

You can use your ability to feel energy or see the appearance in another form such as your heat rising. What is preventing you from going forward is your expectation that visualization is a necessary element of communication – and it is not. Open your other senses and begin a dialogue with your guides; you don’t need to know what they look like – their essence is nothing but energy anyway.

Your way of “visualizing” is by “knowing.” It is more specific because it is something apparent to your entire physical and nonphysical being. A mental picture is just that – a picture created in the brain. A knowing is a comprehensive sensation announcing the physical presence of another and not just your idea of what they would look like if you could see them.

You assume that most people can visualize clear mental images, and this is not true. As a matter of fact, most people never even get around to trying. As to the term being used, aphantasia, it can be a part of your life choices or occurring because of a traumatic injury or neurological malfunction.

To establish contact, allow yourself to go into your knowing. How large is the feeling? Where are they located in relationship to your body? What sensations are they giving off? Confidence? Merriment? Caution? A sense of approval? Work on perfecting the classifying of what you sense – this is a very strong way of communication.

If you need something more, try auto writing or typing. Sit in front of a computer keyboard and ask a question. Let your fingers work the keys and see what happens. More information on this physical trait can be re-read in our teaching of July 9, 2017.

Honoring yourself and your lessons

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I have had some problems with a friend. She’s very afraid of abandonment and loneliness so she was very clingy. I myself am not afraid of being alone since I find happiness from myself. She was quite possessive and jealous, and she admitted that to me but continued without change. I love helping others but after she was threatening me and made me feel bad about myself I cut off our friendship. I feel like a horrible person for doing so, I really hope she’d find happiness from herself but I don’t know everything about her condition, so I feel like I’m judging her. What are your thoughts? ~Juli, Finland

ANSWER: A lesson that presents itself to you does not mean that you have to follow through with the difficulties after you recognize it and make choices concerning it. Your choice here was to continue to let yourself be abused or to do something to move away from it. You chose to separate yourself from the problem and therefore completed that lesson.

Your feeling horrible is only because you have a desire to help others, although you have no spiritual responsibility to do so. Send love to your friend that she might understand her lessons and take the time to work on them. That choice is hers alone.

Finding happiness comes only when one can love the life they have and accept that they have an opportunity to fill it with joy. She has a long way to go to reach such a point, but there is always the possibility for awareness.

You understand that it is important to love oneself, which is why you have no problem being alone and your friend can’t stand being alone; she hates herself and her life. She also depends upon her interpretation of what she believes others are thinking for her own piece of mind.

You appreciate that to enter fully into your spiritual potential, you need to walk away from ego judgment and into loving evaluation. What you have done here is to evaluate that you could no longer subject yourself to her demands and negativity and needed to walk away. That does not make you a “bad” person because there is no judgment here.

What is stopping me?

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I broke up a relationship with a person, but we have to live together in the same house until each finds another place to live. I already found another place to stay but is always happening something that distracts me from moving or some obstacle appears and gets in the way of things. I can no longer live with this person because his energy drains me, there is no longer communication between us, he misunderstands everything I say, and I am willing to believe that he does that on purpose. I think he is in trouble with being alone in this world and continues to reflect that on me. What should I do? Can it be that my own fears of being all alone is helping us to stay in that situation? Sincerely I wish to stay alone, but I fear being alone forever. ~Juliana, Brazil

ANSWER: You two are co-dependent upon each other and fear breaking those bonds. Neither one of you wants to have to find another who will put up with your immaturity and lack of taking responsibility. The longer you cling to your living arrangement, the more impossible it will become to break apart.

You and he were never a good match, but you put up with each other because you are so much alike. It is while living together that each of you really saw what the other was like. You have grown in a spiritual sense and crave an openness and a way to further your understanding. He is happy to remain as he is, without growth, as long as someone will take care of him.

You all create your own worlds by the choices you make. If you will not take that step to separate from him, it will become harder and harder. You sense that he is your only chance for love, which is definitely not true, but you don’t want to take a chance on the unknown.

He knows that you do not like conflict but in a way are drawn to it to try and explain it away. That is why he is constantly “misinterpreting” your statements. You have the urge to make him understand exactly what you mean, but he doesn’t really care as long as it keeps you coming back.

If you really desire to find someone who will love you and share your life, stop procrastinating. It is impossible to make a connection with someone else while you are still tied down to this dysfunctional situation. Visualize what you desire in life. Picture the characteristics of a man who will love you. Project that out into the universe and then be ready to make a connection when someone new appears.