Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

The process of socialization

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I have always been quiet and have struggled to socialize with peers. Lately I have strongly felt that the world can be a tough place, I find human nature to be perplexing and I believe this is why I struggle to connect with others. I feel as though I am on a different level from everyone which is causing me to feel down. I am fearful that my quietness is causing me to suffer at this time in my life. Will I eventually blossom and leave my silence behind to live a fulfilled life? ~Anna, Ireland

ANSWER: When you think of associating with another individual, you analyze all the possible implications and reactions you think they might have. You have a need for control, or at least knowing everything that is about to occur. This keeps you so involved in your theoretical mind that the opportunity to interact with the other person passes before the union is realized. Your “quietness,” as you call it, is a hesitation to take yourself out into the world.

People are perplexing to you because you see them doing things other than you imagined they should want to do. Again, you are overanalyzing and attributing traits to others based on your own beliefs. Lighten up. The difference you perceive between you and others has to do with the restrictions you place on yourself.

Start slowly in approaching others. Find a comfortable location – a social group, library, bookstore, coffee shop – and exchange friendly greetings at first. Continue to frequent the location until you have exchanged pleasantries with several people multiple times.

Next, start a conversation; if you have noticed they engage in a particular thing, talk about that. Don’t judge them; don’t rate or grade them in comparison to your beliefs, either. After a while it will begin to feel comfortable, non-threatening, as if you have known them for a long time.

Each person creates their own reality. It does not just “come” to you; you have to work at it. All the buds are present; let them start opening.

Why can’t I be happy?

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters why do I never feel happy /complete with things in my life such as work, love life? It’s like I don’t know how to be happy. I also rarely connect with other people so sometimes I feel sad about it. What could be the reason behind this? ~Lisandra, United Kingdom

ANSWER: Various life lessons that you chose before coming to Earth are helping you create your illusion of life. Each soul establishes its own reality by deciding what traits and beliefs it wishes to use to shape and interpret that reality. You look at your world through the tinted glasses of your chosen belief systems.

Everyone decides how they want to interpret their surroundings. If it is raining, you can be sad that it is not sunny and bright, or you can rejoice that there will be moisture to make plants grow and clear pollutants from the air. The choice is yours. The perspective is of your making. You do this with everything in your life.

Whether your choices shift to the negative or positive depends on your ability to love yourself. Loving oneself is as simple as accepting that the life you have chosen is for learning more about yourself and gaining knowledge to make your life more bountiful. If you can understand that every action presents potential wisdom, you can congratulate yourself on a job well done. Rejoice in your success even if it is not what is happening with those around you.

It is when you question everything and see all as negative that happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment cannot exist. Whenever you accept that you are unhappy or lonely, that is exactly what you experience. If you accept that you can be happy, that is the first step to seeing your life as happy.

Right now, you fear that people will criticize or not like you, so you shy away from contact with them. Know that you are a wonderful person with whom others would love to spend time, and you will draw people to you. Create the world you desire. If things look negative, shoo them away and bring in positive loving energy.



Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I feel myself in a continuous search loop to change my reality through learning – as I have learned to be the way masters do. How can I change it if I feel my empath mind and body lead me to fragility in this process? Is there a purpose for my soul to be hacking myself and sinking deeper in a void that, taking into account many physical circumstances around me, I pretty much cannot surmount it? ~João, Portugal

ANSWER: A soul creates its own reality and also draws to itself those circumstances it wishes to experience. It is possible to stay in one place and never learn or grow, but that is against all the plans a soul has before coming to Earth. You wished to discover a spiritual approach to understanding and accomplished this through searching for those paths that resonated with you and explained life lessons for you.

Your inner self knows that only through working on the signs that your life lessons provide – fears and doubts – are you able to progress. These appear to you as a conflict between stability and empathy or your inner essence and sensitivities. But for you, these are tools that will take you through your tests and result in education and wisdom.

You are being too critical with all the fantastic success you are actually making. Step back for a minute and see how much you have absorbed and now understand. It has not been comfortable, but then hard work never seems to be.

Voids can be good places because they allow you to observe what is around you without interfering with the view. Voids are nonjudging, sterile places where new ideas, directions, and belief systems can develop and thrive. Embrace the opportunity.

Dispassionately feel what is happening, and don’t make any rash judgments about it. Go with the flow of your life and the universe, visualizing the place you wish to be. Have patience with yourself and the old paradigm in which you have existed for so long. Change is on the way.