Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Blocked memories

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters. I’ve been working on releasing false or resisted experiences/believes from childhood. For some time, I have been getting this feeling that I was sexually abused as a child by my father. Is it true? If so, I would like to clean up anything around this. I’ve had a hard time recollecting memory from my past that relates to my father so I’m going by feeling. Why can’t I remember? I feel there is a lot I blocked. Is there something that I’ve been resisting that I need to experience to release/discreate these feelings that keep coming up and finally let them go. If so, what are they? Any lessons that I need to learn around this, besides continuing to trust my intuition? ~Kiara, USA

ANSWER: Your memories, or rather feelings, are correct. You suppressed most of your youth, at least during the time of the sex acts, and have held them firmly closed because of the warnings you were given. Your father blamed everything that happened on you and told you all kinds of nasty things that were going to happen to you and the rest of the family if you told anyone.

During this same time period, a friend of yours also divulged sexual activities in her family and the whole neighborhood took sides. Your fiend was discredited, the parents got divorced, and she went off never to be seen again. You didn’t want any more of your life to be disrupted. You began living in the shadows.

It is very common to block out unpleasant experiences, particularly those where you felt you were to blame. You must first examine any sense of blame that still remains. Ask yourself what makes you feel uncomfortable because of anything you have done. If that doesn’t work in the beginning, try to open your feelings concerning when you stopped trusting your decisions.

Your intuition is the secret doorway into the past. Run everything that feels unsafe or uncomfortable by your intuition. What is causing the sensation? What do I need to shine light upon? Follow those fears and doubts, as you would do for any life lesson. Try going into a deep meditation and asking your higher self to show you the blockages. If you know a good spiritual hypnotherapist, that could be a very fast way to access that time period.

Effects of abortion on souls

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters after an abortion, what are the effects upon the soul that has been aborted? What are the long-term effects upon the soul of the potential mother? What advice can you give to aid in healing during this lifetime? ~Katherine, U.S.A

ANSWER: Souls are eternal pieces of Source energy existing solely in unconditional love. They are not affected or influenced by negative events in which they engage while having a physical experience. Therefore, an abortion is something with which their physical shell deals while the essential soul observes and learns. The only long-term influence is the soul’s acquisition of knowledge and perhaps wisdom.

A soul having a physical experience is aware of everything their human body is doing. They watch and gain the knowledge arising from the lessons, such as abortion, that they had chosen to enact. There are, it is true, mental, physical, and emotional effects on the human body from a lesson such as abortion because of its historical energy in the societal thinking. It can be more or less egregious depending on the religious affiliation of the mother having the abortion. This, however, is an Earthbound event; it does not transmit any of its physical energy into the nonphysical existence.

When the lesson of an abortion is decided before coming to Earth, the soul choosing that event will make it known that they want to go through the emotional turmoil of the act. For that reason, if it is definite, no soul will be assigned to the fetus. If it is possible – maybe or maybe not, then the soul assigned to the fetus is well aware of the fact that their body might be aborted prior to viability.

Since the incoming soul is aware of its possible interruption, they are prepared for that eventuality. The human mother is the one who deals with the consequences of her actions. This is a chosen lesson, and it has to do with working through the negative/positive implications of aborting a fetus while she is still in her physical form. The resulting energy does not carry over after leaving that body unless the soul chooses not to understand it as a lesson to work through and wishes to return to it in a subsequent lifetime.

“Healing” is a matter of understanding why the abortion was chosen. Going into the subconscious and finding the causation allows the human to decide how much they are going to allow the act to continue affecting them. A hypnosis session visiting the decision process before birth, or a deep meditation doing the same thing, will provide the answers you desire.

Without direction

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I truly need guidance from the Divine. After the passing on of my father and dearest cousin, I’ve been feeling a loss of direction and purpose in life. I think I’ve wasted my money in the past attending all those spiritual courses, instead of healing I feel more hurt. Is that my karma from the past that I need to go through? What’s my direction in life now, am I supposed to live my life as it is now since I don’t have another 50 years. I should go back to Buddhist practice do more chanting to clear my karma so that I can go to heaven. ~Faye, Singapore

ANSWER: “Karma” is an excuse for blaming all your problems on an invisible and unreachable source. What you are dealing with are the life lessons you chose before coming to Earth.  You elected to experience abandonment, betrayal, a lack of love, and issues concerning self-worth and self-confidence. You have shied away from taking responsibility for your journey and have looked to others for direction.

You deferred to your father and cousin while making major decisions in your life and now have no one to take their place. Going to all the spiritual classes could only show you the way others have handled their problems. Nothing was discussed on dealing with your own difficulties. You feel more confused because no one shared your set of lessons.

The remaining lessons that are still affecting you come to you as fears and doubts. Instead of facing them, you back away and talk of them as karma that some say can be cleared through chanting. In fact, what you need is to face them down and find out what is keeping the fear in front of you. These are your lessons.

When you sense fear, ask yourself why it is there. Your unconscious will give you an indication of its origin. Go to the beginning and see what you must do to rewrite your memory of the cause. You can then remove it as a hindrance to your future.

When your soul leaves the body, regardless of what it has done or completed it returns to the unconditional love of Source, which many call heaven. You don’t have to do anything special to return; it is Home – where you belong.

Resolving your remaining lessons can be done in a short period of time if you work at it; you don’t need fifty years. But you also don’t have to do anything if you don’t desire. You will still find yourself in unconditional love when you return Home.