Changing scenery
QUESTION: Masters, after 18 years of marriage, my husband and I have separated. Is my ‘contract’ or life-lesson with him over for this lifetime? About three years ago I had readings with two different channels and neither could detect him as my husband then. Please advice. ~A., Malaysia
ANSWER: We will respond first to what you were told three years ago. The reason that the channelers were unable to see your husband in your life is that you began near that time to speed beyond the point of awareness that he was going to reach in this lifetime. By that, we do not mean that he could not be in your life if you so chose, but that he would not be on your path or at your vibration. When channels are doing a reading for you they can only see the direction that your energy is intending to follow at the moment of the reading. This does not mean that you are stuck with that path, only that your intention saw it as a desired direction.
Your soul and the soul of your husband did make a contract to spend a period of time together to help each other out. For you, he was to stimulate your inner strength and courage, so that you might leap away from limiting belief systems and help yourself and others to understand this journey to Earth. He chose you to be his sounding board so that he might understand his path. He did not promise to listen, and he hasn’t much.
You have completed the contract to which you agreed. Whether you maintain any contact with him, or choose to help with other projects, is a freedom of choice issue. It is time to use all of your energy to honor the journey that you take. Feel what you need and want to do, and use those directions to decide where to proceed from here.