The importance of loving self
QUESTION: Masters, I have always struggled with an eating disorder and been overweight most of my life. I am an Indigo adult, and during this ascension process we’ve been through, I have struggled even more to lose weight and am told it is normal to gain weight as a way to keep grounded to this physical reality. I am currently 80 pounds above my ideal weight. It makes me feel miserable about myself. What should I do? ~Ivy, Brazil
ANSWER: Many energetic patterns are currently making the rounds among souls on the planet. Those who are openly sensitive, such as Indigos, Crystals, Stars, and Lightworkers, are feeling a sense of being ripped apart or picked up by the flow and being blown all over the place. One of the unconscious automatic responses is to weigh yourself down so you are not so drastically affected. Hence, a lot of souls, who are not merely affected by the horrid diets that Earthlings have adopted, are putting on weight to keep themselves in physical reality—or grounded, as you say.
This is, however, an unconscious act. It makes it easier for souls to go through their lessons because they aren’t thinking about themselves, just what is happening to and around them. When they open up their view to include the physical container they are wearing, their human body, they are aghast at what they have allowed to occur. Their response, then, is to hate the physical and retreat more into the spiritual, which is non-judgmental. What is happening is a rejection of the love of self that is an aspect of true enlightenment. Perceived physical happiness and comfort overshadow a healthy physical covering for the soul to continue easily on its journey.
Explore that aspect of yourself which is self-love. Accepting the love within will enable you to take the steps necessary to change your current appearance. Realize that you are a piece of Source and are all-powerful and magnificent. As such, you may create any reality that you wish. In the physical, this reality must include the discipline necessary to see a result. Intention is only the spiritual side; exercise and a healthy lifestyle are the physical side. Love yourself enough to change. Feeling miserable about yourself only makes you seek more physical comfort, which equals favorite foods. Allow only positive thoughts into your day.