
QUESTION: Masters, I am caught in this tumultuous spin where I no longer have transportation (my car was totaled), my ex-boyfriend got arrested for domestic assault (against me), I lost my job—all in the last month! Although I am excited about the opportunities presented to me by all these changes, I am feeling overwhelmed. The only way I can figure to deal with all this is to go find my true home on planet Earth. I am not sure if this is the proper course of action. What should I be doing?      ~Anya, USA

ANSWER: When you planned to begin a whole new phase of your life you did it big time. You made sure that nothing of the past was going to interfere with the future. Now your question is where do I go from here? And the answer is wherever you want to go. There is no “perfect” place for you, no “true” home. Your only physical home is where you are at the moment.

Now, this is not to say that there may not be places on this planet that will feel better to you than other places. These you can find through being totally open to the energy of a location and seeing how you feel while there. Sometimes, if there is a particular resonance that comforts you it may even be possible to feel that way through examining a picture of a locale that you have never visited. When you have found such a place it is time for the old freedom of choice to come into play: Is it good enough to move myself there?

You will find that when an area feels good to you, other things just fall into place, such as a new job, a beautiful home, and people who relate easily to you. In other words, you should be out looking and feeling your way into different situations. Baby steps, one at a time, would be your next order of business.

Intention is also very important at this time. Be very clear what it is that you are trying to manifest. Why don’t you write down a description of your perfect place? Be specific and it will help bring that energy to you and clarify for you what your living needs are.