Expansion of awareness
QUESTION: Masters, I believe my question will be relevant to many people who experience expansion of their awareness in this time of transition. There is much new energy coming to me, much symbolism within my meditation, love and compassion to give out into the world. With all these developments I feel as if I am standing at a crossroads with a basket full of food, and I am not sure which path to pick. My family circumstances will require a move abroad. There is a big question in my heart-where am I to put my roots and let the fruit come? I ask for your loving guidance. ~Olesya, UK
ANSWER: Many souls are filling up with the energy present on the planet at this time. The ability to connect with us, and each other, is much easier than it used to be. Spiritual clarity abounds. These contacts are being made in meditation, dreams, and directly with voice and symbolism. Unconditional love is more prevalent than it has been for thousands of your years.
Your personal journey is well on its way into the service lane. What you should do is go within to the essence of yourself and follow the intuition coming forth. Whether you stay where you are, go to another country, or go off into the wilderness, you will be able to sense your answers from within. You are rooted to the universe, to the energy of the soul.
You basket is full, and as you distribute and consume the fruits they will replenish and overflow. The secret is allowing. Don’t set up expectations or even specific directions. Go with the flow of the energy and ride the wave. Just as the tides cannot be held back, neither can you, as long as you don’t fight the current. Wherever you are, if you give into your heart, you will be in the right place for you.
The universe is a marvelous place. It directs the perception of the person who is aware towards a fruitful pathway. There are no right or wrong paths, just situations to learn and to serve.