Achieving Christ Consciousness
QUESTION: Masters, you said that Christ Consciousness is “a state in which the soul has ascended out of the egotistical, judgment-laden Earth dimension into the unconditional love of being in the presence of the Source of all.” My questions are can this be done while living in a human body, having a relatively normal Earth life with all its attached responsibilities to survival, self and others? Can this state be maintained? Are humans currently alive who have done and are doing this? Is any human capable of this, or only those who have overcome their lessons? What percentage of humans are capable of it? ~Christina, USA
ANSWER: Yes, and no. It depends on what you are calling a normal Earth life. If you need to judge everything, grade it all, and compete to become better than others, the answer is clearly no. If you are aware of the world’s dynamics of judgment, but choose only to observe rather than participate, and then live based upon an evaluation of what you need, instead of a judgment, the answer becomes yes.
The journey of the soul is a solitary trip. You have no responsibility for anyone other than yourself. Your purpose is to learn the lessons you chose and then remember who you are, and to be able to use your powers to enjoy the human experience. You may do this and still volunteer to have responsibility for other human things, creatures, and business. You may fulfill these chosen obligations in judgment or in evaluation.
It is very difficult to live by the fifth dimension’s unconditionally loving quality while in the duality of the third dimension’s dog-eat-dog world. Most souls who have reached Christ Consciousness during their human existence find it difficult to maintain it constantly because they are still living in the third dimension. It is possible to be in that state for prolonged periods of time if they remove themselves from constant ego contact.
Those who have done it for long periods of time find no need to remain on Earth because they are not partaking in the duality, which is the normal reason for coming to Earth. They generally choose to ascend, leaving their body-shell on the planet and taking their essence into unconditional love.
It is impossible to give you a number because of the constant going back and forth. Once a soul recognizes who it truly is, it may reach Christ Consciousness, so theoretically anyone can do it. This usually only comes after all lessons are completed—both those from the current life and unfinished ones from the past.