Helping my sister
QUESTION: Masters, I have felt your presence in my life several times and I turn to you for everything. I am worried about my sister, Deepa, who appears to manifest worries. She won’t seek professional help but does pray a lot, which I am sure is good for her. However, here on Earth she needs to be more consistent with her life and her job in order to attract true love. Please can you help her get better? I love her so much. I do send her healing but how else can I help her?
ANSWER: We are glad that you have reached out and felt us in your life. Your sister to some extent feels us as well, which is why she prays so much. Unfortunately, her prayers are for assistance that will take all the decision making away from her. All her problems revolve around a situation where she does not desire, or feels she is incapable of, taking responsibility for herself. In the past, family and friends have been more than happy to give her advice and she has lived her life by this, which has allowed her to rationalize that if things go wrong it is because so-and-so told her to do such-and-such.
At the present time she resides in an aura of “poor me” energy. She is a very powerful soul and is creating this state herself. When she fixates on negative thoughts and bad things happening to her, she is bringing that exact energy into her life. Until your sister discovers her worthiness as a person, she will continue to create a victim scenario.
You imply that if she has true love in her life all will be well. That is exactly right; however, in this case, the true love for her is self-love. Until she can love herself, respect herself, and trust her own decisions about life, there will be no place for true love. This is not just in the romantic aspects of her life but also at work and in personal relationships as well.
What you can do for her is to continue sending her healing energy. Possibly introduce her to some writings on self-awareness, and the power of creating your own reality. This is her journey and she is directing her own life. As you help her recognize her own strength, you will see her evolve into a powerful individual. You must remember that she must start taking responsibility for her own decisions for growth to occur, and this can happen only when she is ready.