Understanding the world around you
QUESTION: Masters, a few months ago I saw an intriguing documentary presenting very convincing facts and evidence that the CIA and the Republican administration in the U.S. were directly involved in planning the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and on the Pentagon. Their aim was to create an excuse to launch the war campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq and to gain control of natural resources. Also alleged was their instilling insecurity and fear in the lives of the American citizens to gain more consensus for their policies. Was the CIA and at least a part of the American administration involved in the 9/11 attacks? If so, why is only a very tiny percentage of the world population aware of that? What are the spiritual reasons for this?
ANSWER: The wonders of your current time are never-ending. It is possible for some to provide concrete evidence for whatever they choose to convince another are the “true” facts of an event. In these scenarios some of the material may actually be true, while a large portion is done for the gratification of the creator’s wish to cause panic in one form or another. At times, guilty parties will plant false evidence to divert the spotlight away from themselves. By these statements we are not confirming nor denying the impression that this program left with you. We feel it is important that all souls open to the truth they wish to accept. If there is something you need to explore to complete your life lessons, the means will be presented to you.
Most humans like to have someone to blame for their fears and their misery. Some humans need to have an explanation for everything that comes into their awareness. Souls on their spiritual path of awakening are aware of things going on around them and may inquire into factors contributing to events, but then they use all the information to evaluate how it helps with their understanding of themselves.
All interactions occurring between humans upon your planet are for the sole purpose of allowing each to learn lessons. It can be fascinating to watch the lessons others are carrying out so you may decide if it is a lesson that you wish to try at another time to see what wisdom it imparts. Using observations to feel a sense of outrage is a valid life lesson, as is direct participation in being victim or victimizer.
The fears that are with you in a lifetime are the signposts for the lessons you chose. If some incident concerning control, blame, betrayal, or other strong emotional response becomes an obsession with you, it is definitely one of your lessons. Go into your feelings surrounding that emotion and dig to where it originates within your subconscious. At that point within you is the epicenter of all energetic wisdom and understanding.