Why experience life?
QUESTION: Masters, if we have unconditional love at Home, why do we need to experience anything else? I’m pretty sure my major life lesson is to feel a lack of love throughout my lifetime, even though I am not a bad person—actually I am a pretty good one. If when I get Home I will rejoice in the unconditional love again, why do I need to experience this [lack of love]? Also, no matter what I do, how I try to meditate, pray, etc., I cannot ever get in touch with a soul guide or any entity to help me out in this lifetime. How exactly do I attain and know that I have attained a soul balance, so that I can heal myself? ~JH, USA
ANSWER: As you have learned in this trip to Earth, there is a big difference between a state of love and a state of lacking love. If you never lacked love, how would you know how great being in unconditional love actually was? Many souls spend a lifetime learning all about the different kinds of love and the physical emotions that accompany human love. It is a search for knowledge and wisdom. You will laugh at this question when you are at Home.
You have a tendency to be impatient both with yourself and with others. You think that following what has worked for some, when contacting the non-physical souls out there, should work for you in exactly the same fashion with your first or second try. First, you are thinking too much. Even when you are trying to meditate, your mind is always deciding what should be happening and wondering why it isn’t. That makes it impossible for you to hear that quiet little voice from beyond.
Also, thinking that the souls out there will come and help you out is a bit presumptuous. Guides may never tell you what to do; they may only give a little guidance as to the possibilities. They would not be able to tell you if your soul is in balance, because that is a concept that doesn’t compute while in a human body.
Healing has only to do with using your intention to bring balance to your physical nature. Accepting that you have the power to establish healing is all that is needed, unless you have chosen a state of ill health as a life lesson, and you have not yet learned the underlying lesson.