From chakras to discarnates to guides
QUESTION: Masters, is it possible for chakras to be broken or damaged? Are my chakras broken? Also I played with a Ouija board and now it makes me do uncontrollable things at times, what should I do? Also If I meditate every day, do I have a chance to meet my guides? ~Radheshyam, US
ANSWER: It is not possible for chakras to become broken as in irreparable. Chakras do become unbalanced and partially blocked so they do not allow energy to flow through in an expeditious manner. This is a very common occurrence and happens to all if they do not constantly attend to the health of their chakras. At the time of this writing your chakras are all out of order; some are rotating clockwise and others counterclockwise. This makes it very difficult for energy to flow freely though your body.
During your daily meditation, visualize each chakra and help them all to rotate in the same direction at the same pace. This is akin to aligning gears in a mechanical device. Then things will run smoothly.
We have talked before about summoning Earthbound energies via the use of the Ouija board. You have invited in a rather nasty discarnate who thinks it is fun to ridicule and hurt other people. He is currently attached to you. If you wish to get rid of it you will need the assistance of a practitioner trained in spirit release. You have to go through a process of uninviting him and severing the connections he has established with your energy core. It is very important always to be aware of what you are asking to come forth. Negative beings take the tiniest opening and barge in. Want to talk to someone from the non-physical realm? No problem—here they come. Be forewarned.
Your guides will be happy to talk to you, but they will not tell you what you want to hear like the negative beings do at first. They will not tell you what to do but will give you advice to help you make your decisions. Since you have extended an open invitation in the past to anything that might be around, they want to make sure you really want to communicate with them. Set the space with an invocation for only beings of the Light to come in, and only for the highest and greatest good. Present a question to them and listen for the answer. Sometimes it will come verbally, and other times they will arrange for you to see something that answers the question. Have no expectations; just live in the moment and observe all that happens.