Messages from the universe
QUESTION: Masters, when I am meditating or in deep thought I seem to get sentences which sound like ‘messages.’ A few weeks back while praying, something flashed in my mind, “Light the lives of others with the light of your life.” Is there a way to know if these are indeed messages from masters or just figments of my imagination? Also, is there a way to know which master might be contacting me? ~Ravdeep, India
ANSWER: You are receiving messages from several different sources. The first and most prominent voice is that of your unconscious mind, also known as your higher self or soul. Secondly you have gotten thoughts from your personal guides who are there to assist in your journey. They may not give advice unsolicited, but any type of encouragement brings on their words. Since you say you were praying, asking for assistance, this gave them permission to speak.
Congratulations on reaching the point in meditation where you have shut off your consciousness so it does not interfere with non-physical voices. This is always the initial step to a spiritual dialogue. Communication varies from imagination in that, with imagination, you start a discussion of the various ways to perform a task or what a statement means. Communication from outside comes in very clearly, distinctly, and unequivocally.
Since there are several guides/masters with whom you are working, you will have to ask for the authorship of the comments as they arrive.