Gentle guidance

November 5th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, in a recent dream I was visited by a man I believe was a guide, his message was clear. That if I don’t take advantage during this window of time (job change), that I will miss out and be headed where I am going. I asked what I should be looking for as I am lost on my career path and I woke up. I haven’t yet discovered what I truly love to do or am passionate about. I understand we have free will, what messages do the masters have that would help steer me in the right direction. ~Randi, USA

ANSWER: This was one of your regular guides. You have been stuck at a crossroads and are not proceeding in any direction. Your guides are trying to get your attention to remind you that if you don’t move, if you don’t take a chance on a change, nothing at all is going to happen. They are not trying to tell you what to do. They are just giving you a gentle little nudge to get you off the starting line.

It doesn’t really matter which way you go, just that you move. Right now, you are hesitating to make any changes because you want to know the answer to what will happen before you take the plunge and begin something new. That is not the way it works, because your future is determined by the choices you make as you proceed.

You can’t connect with your passion until you meet it on the road of activity. You unconsciously direct yourself toward what you desire to achieve; you just have to be totally open to seeing and feeling it when you are there. A passion is something that draws you through life and something you want to do all the time.

A passion will creep up on you one day and just be there. But you can miss it at first if you have expectations about how you think you should feel. Just relax and live in the moment, allowing your senses to integrate everything around you.

Your free will comes into play because you make the choices of what you want to be exposed to so you can see if it triggers that passionate feeling within. It may be a way of connecting with people, a job producing a certain reaction, or a renewed sense of purpose in life after a period of nothingness. Just enter the flow of the universe and be aware of what is passing you by.

Never be afraid to change direction if the opportunity arises, and you will have exposure to new and interesting options never before experienced. Remember, spiritually you are a soul having a human experience, and everything occurs for learning what resonates, delivering knowledge and wisdom. Nothing is right or wrong.

What does judgment mean?

October 29th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters what could be characterized as judgment? For example? Does the child come home with attitudes the mother doesn’t like, if she complains, isn’t she judging his behavior? Wouldn’t you have to let it do what they want? An example of judgment? Does a person begin to comment on other people’s attitudes towards you? What to do? How to answer? ~Beto, BRAZIL

ANSWER: Judgment is the tool the human ego uses to decide where it rates in the scheme of the societal hierarchy. Is the person better than, richer than, smarter than, or more important than someone else? When looking at the activity of another, does their behavior match what your opinion of the right type of action should be, or do you believe they should do things only the way you decide is correct?

Judgment is a type of control over another, and since you are not within their body, not living their life lessons, it is really not for you to say what they should do. There are circumstances – for instance, needing to show an uninformed person what is acceptable in society – in which judging someone’s current behavior in order to teach them is a necessity. Judgment is taking place; however, it is not to control but rather to inform, and the one being corrected has the freedom of choice to accept the criticism or ignore it.

In the dual negative/positive environment of Earth, judgment rules. Only if you are concerned with developing your spiritual values does judgment become the enemy. You then recognize that each and every other soul is having their own journey of learning, and trying to tell them what to do interferes with that process.

Many people dealing with lessons about control are the worst criticizers on the planet. They continually tell everyone what to do and use judgment to show that the criticized person is doing something wrong. Judgment also has a negative energy impact on others. But this is neither right nor wrong in a spiritual perspective because learning is accomplished through using your freedom of choice to direct your own path.

Don’t worry about others judging you. Take a look at what they are saying and see if it has any instructional value; if it does, then pay attention to it. If what is being said makes no sense to you, then choose to ignore it and move on.

When it comes to your own actions, judging doesn’t help you learn a thing because you are restricting the possibilities. Instead of judging something, just ask yourself what you can learn from the situation. Evaluate the teaching involved and make future choices based on the knowledge you gain from the material that resonates with you.

Night adventures

October 29th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters do I Astral travel in the night? I want to know if I go anywhere in the night. And how I can remember it. I have a feeling that I go because sometimes I wake up in the night and few things happen that point to my astral travel. For instance, he gave me water to drink while I was sleeping but I don’t remember when I wake up. Was my soul not there. I am desperately looking for some answers. ~Tani, Canada

ANSWER: Your body is never completely without some portion of your soul being in residence. The physical would cease to be viable and die if the entire soul left. What does change is where your consciousness is and the degree of awareness it has of your location. It is similar to daydreaming, where you are located in one place but your mind and consciousness wander off to image or relive some exciting adventure taking place elsewhere.

The physical body needs to rest and regenerate energy through sleep, during which your bodily consciousness shuts down. The soul needs no such time off so it travels around while the body rests, and usually the aware consciousness goes with it. The soul can only totally be aware of, and live in, one place at a time.

Your physicalness “remembers” easily only the things your current mind has been a party to doing. When your soul goes off wandering, if you haven’t advised yourself that you wish to recall the travels, they are lost. The same is true of the nightly dreams you experience if you don’t awaken during them or take notice of them immediately upon waking. Asking your consciousness to include these trips in your memory when you are awake will assist.

If the soul remembers doing something in a past life and wants to renew its lessons concerning it, the soul may go to “night school” for refresher courses to bring back the learning, if not the exact lesson. This also occurs if the soul wishes to see a different perspective on a situation with which you are dealing.

There is nothing to fear in not having complete awareness of your nighttime travels. Curiosity is what is plaguing you more than anything else. Start going to sleep with the conscious thought that you desire to remember everything you do while the body rests. It may take a while to make the connection, but keep trying.