
June 4th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters could you tell me how karma is formed? Is it by thought or emotion? Or any kind of intent / judgment? Is it really possible to eliminate karma? Is there merit for something spiritual? Could you tell me about my past life and possible karma? ~H., Brazil

ANSWER: Karma is an organized religious doctrine that blends into the reward and punishment facets of judgment. It exists only within the duality of the Earth plane when one believes and accepts that everything needs to be judged, rated, and graded. It is not a spiritual concept because there is no judgment in spirituality.

Everyone creates their own reality, so in order to be certain that karma exists, you must live by the principle that judgment is necessary. Since negativity exists only in a duality, and karma is a form of negative punishment, it can only be present in human existences.

If you want to blame a “karmic act” for something you do not like in your current life, you have to see this as a result of punishment for a former act you performed. If one concludes that the idea of karma involves holding on to negative activities, then you must also conclude that you have to want to hold on to negative energy because the choice of environment is solely yours.

Spiritual awakening is the releasing of all aspects of negativity and living in unconditionally loving energy, free from judgment. Ergo, no room for some punishment to influence your choices. You eliminate karma by not allowing negativity to intrude into your life.

You have had many past lives, and none of them has brought any type of punishment (karma) into your current life. There have been several continuing life lessons you have dragged along with you, but they are all manageable if you really look at them and determine why you chose to learn about them.

Feminine and masculine energy

May 28th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I’m in an interesting relationship where I’m learning new ways into a woman’s heart and mind by understanding and feeling emotions, my own and hers. I try to do my best and build trust, openness, and new ways of being innocent by being vulnerable, but it looks like I fail all the time and I just fade away from her, or nothing is enough what I do or how I be. Is there a block in my chakras or in my finer bodies which affect this? Is there imbalance in my feminine and masculine energies and how great? Can masters guide me how to attune better emotionally with her and with myself? What I need to work on? ~Arttu, Finland

ANSWER: You are being instructed in someone else’s belief systems. It is true that each human being has masculine energy, which is strong, protective, and demonstrative. But they also have feminine energy, which allows them to be tender, soft, and emotional. The degree of each and how much you accept and use in your life are determined by you and the circumstances. There are no right or wrong answers.

The percentages should be determined by your feelings and not by what your partner would like you to be. If you take all your clues from another, you have given up your power to them to say who and what you are in this life. You are being a puppet to their wishes.

Why do you feel you need to be innocent? That is equated with uninformed and ignorant when it comes to human characteristics. You have worked hard to come into awareness of self, and you do not have to ignore your hard-won wisdom in order to please someone else.

When you say you have failed, you are picking up that your partner is not satisfied that you have met their expectations. Why should you duplicate their expectations? You are a different individual and an opposite sex. You are not blocked; you are just sensitive to your own strong feelings of essence, and they conflict with an entirely feminine energy.

If you still wish to continue converting yourself to a masculine-feminine, there is nothing wrong with that. Just do it because you desire to be other than you are, not because you are being told you should. It should always feel right to you, not as if failing to meet her desires is a shortcoming on your part.

You need to work on sensing your inner intuition of what is right for yourself in that body.

Wanting it my way

May 28th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters is there any way I can tell my spirit guides that I don’t want to learn whatever lessons I’m apparently supposed to surrounding romantic rejection and always falling just a bit short of accomplishing my professional goals? I truly don’t care about the lessons and would like to be removed from that path even if it aims to make me wiser. I’d prefer to be foolish and happy with a great partner and
professional success. Do I simply ignore spirituality in general in order to make this happen? ~Reece, USA

ANSWER: Your spirit guides are not setting your lessons into play – you are. You decided what you wanted to do and, thus, unconsciously bring to yourself the necessary people and energies to accomplish your wishes. Of course, you do have freedom of choice, so you can change your mind.

But think, why did you come to Earth? You came for one reason only, and that was to learn who you are, what powers and abilities you possess as a piece of Source energy, and to gain understanding and wisdom that you may forever use in future incarnations.

If you stop all your lessons now, you will be going against your own wishes and, in fact, wasting the rest of this incarnation. There is nothing that says you can’t do that, but why would you? You went through all the planning to be where you are now. You set up the staging with family, location, and friends just to have the experiences that have been presented to you.

You have an idea what your chosen lessons are since you have identified fears and doubts within your life. You can send them on their way and proceed in another direction simply by completing the desired tasks. All you need to do is work to understand them and not continually repeat the same activities over and over again.

Whatever you decide is up to you – not your guides. They don’t determine anything; they are merely available to advise if you ask them a question. Anyone else you hear giving you “advice” is a negative, discarnate spirit trying to mess with your progress.

All we have talked about is the spiritual path you are on. You can, as you have suggested, disregard the fact that you are a soul having a human experience and, instead, become a negative, ego-loving person. You can deny the spiritual educational trip you are undertaking and go forth judging what you decide is good and bad for you. The choice is yours.