Changing relationship factors

August 13th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters my question is about long term relationships. People do change and may need different things in a relationship but surely this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to remain in a loving lifelong relationship? If someone changes because they are unwell, wouldn’t a loving response be to stay and care for them? We all change continuously really, so isn’t part of the nature of human love about partners in a relationship accepting each other as we change and finding the love in the ever changing present? ~Carly, Australia

ANSWER: Every soul who is having a human experience creates their own reality by the choices they make. Part of their lesson choice may be to be altruistic and to take care of others at the expense of their own journey and learning. Society suggests the sanctity of marriage and the responsibility of one party for the other is not optional. But this is a choice, not a requirement, in the spiritual prospective.

If you sense that a lesson of yours is to be dogged in your care for your spouse, then that is what you should do. If you understand that your spiritual journey is a solo affair where you are only responsible for your own growth, then marriage is simply a societal obligation that is binding only if you so decide.

There are many things that can prevent a long-term relationship. One partner wonders off into other pastures, never looking back. Should the remaining partner keep the home fires burning awaiting their return? That is a freedom of choice question.

The type of loving response you ask about concerns the third-dimensional choice within the duality of positive and negative. Exiting the duality and becoming enlightened removes the negative aspect to physical love and makes it unconditional and positive only. That results in nothing being right or wrong but just a choice of what can teach you the most. Blindly accepting another’s changes is saying that they know more about what you need to grow than you do. There may be no love coming from them to find.

As people change with the experiences they have, they may no longer be suited for the union that once seemed perfect. Becoming proficient at addition and subtraction will serve you little in calculus. And if your partner has not advanced in mathematics, you may no longer have anything to share and to talk about. The choice, of course, is always yours to make. But, do honor yourself and your reason for incarnating.

Do we program our thoughts?

August 6th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters so you said that everything on earth happens as the soul wishes to experience it, does that also mean the questions and thoughts in the mind that I go through? Is this the same for anyone else that can relate? ~Sophia, USA

ANSWER: Souls come into the duality of the planet in order to have a physical body with which to help them find out what powers and abilities are intrinsic to their essence from being a piece of Source energy. They had decided before coming to Earth what particular lessons they desired to work on while here. Those tasks were not elaborated specifically but were general in nature.

For instance, if one wished to study addiction, they could have set themselves up in a family where the parents were addicts and the temptation of following their example was prominent. How is this a lesson, you might ask? Well, the soul has total freedom to choose what actions they are going to take in life. Are they going to follow society and use ego judgment to determine their place? Or are they going to turn inward, using their energy to evaluate the alternatives to decide what they may learn from and what is destructive?

Having decided what lessons to work on, a soul will always be in the right position to have the choice of direction. Thoughts are completely human. In this instance, they come from what the person believes is true from the input presented by those around them. If they don’t want to make decisions themselves, they will follow the thought patterns of society, in this case other addicts, and never follow a non-addictive route, therefore not learning their lesson.

The only way to work through lessons is to set aside the group mentality and go inside to the inner wisdom. Feeling, not thinking, is the only way to move forward spiritually. Since most humans work through their actions in their heads, it is important that they are relying on the feelings coming from within and not just the opinions of others. Thoughts are not pre-determined. This is the laboratory classroom space for working out the answers.

Living on Prana

August 6th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I’d like you to talk a little bit about the Australian Jasmuheen. She has written several books and says that it is possible to live “eating light” (prana). She travels the world offering retreats and courses so that more people can live that way. I want to know if this is all true. Is it possible to maintain a biological body without ingestion of organic food? ~C., Brazil

ANSWER: Anything that a soul can imagine is possible if they create it as part of their reality. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Therefore, nothing is physical until some force envisions it as a physical entity. Once that physical entity is present, sustaining its existence is up to the initiating force.

Souls incarnate to experience a duality of positive and negative energy. They use the contrary forces to understand what powers and abilities are possible for them in their created physical world through freedom of choice. This series of decisions transforms their illusion into a physical reality, which they manipulate to gain wisdom.

If a soul follows a pattern they have established for the usual trip to Earth, they become a human by going through the gestational period and being just like their parents – human beings that are nutritionally dependent machines. This is a choice and also controlled by their selected belief systems.

If a person believes that they need to eat meat to thrive, it will be so. If they believe that it is wrong to eat meat and only plant nutrients are needed, then that is what they do. If they shun all types of animal products, they will become vegan. Then there are those whose beliefs dictate a raw diet or a wholly fruit diet. The body can flourish on whatever the belief system for living represents – if the mind is totally in agreement with its belief system. If it has any doubts, then it will find, no matter what the food consumption entails, that they will have poor health.

Just as the soul, having this physical experience, can use energy to heal disasters that have afflicted the body, they can use energy to sustain the body. If your belief is that your body is merely biological in nature and requires organic food, then that is as far as you can progress with maintaining your body.

But, if you believe that your body is an illusion created by you to complete your work on Earth, you can convert it to a form of sustenance other than organic foods. Existing on prana, which is really the unconditionally loving energy of the universe – or sunlight, a type of the same – becomes possible. This has been demonstrated for centuries by mystics in the Far East, and even before that by the Atlanteans and Lemurians.