Fighting for power
QUESTION: Please could you shed some light on what can best be described as a phobic type problem and reaction towards someone? This has existed for many, many years and defies all attempts at healing it. No matter how difficult it makes life and how much more wonderful life would be without it, and no matter what is tried (and much work has been done), things just don’t change. What needs to be done to heal this, please? ~ Jill
ANSWER: You are getting glimpses of past-life situations in which the lessons have not been completely discharged. You need to go into the feelings that are deep inside this phobic reaction. What is the exact feeling that you get at the time the response begins? This is your answer and your solution.
You have had many lives with this person and each has ended with unresolved issues. First one of you has tried to control the other and then you have switched roles. In the presence of the other, neither one of you can feel your individual power because you have constantly given it to the other, allowing it to be taken away from you.
You must become totally aware of your own power and not let anyone or anything remove it from you. When you are comfortable with keeping the power to yourself, go into the presence or thoughts of this other person and feel them pull against your power. Confront your feelings on the situation and you will be able to work out this old rivalry. It is as though you are part of an invisible tug-o’-war with the rope being pulled back and forth. One of you has to feel enough to let go of the rope.