What are magigans?*
QUESTION: Masters, we can see on TV these modern magigans* (generally called magicians) like Chris Angel and, now, Magigan Dynamo. Their tricks are so amazing that we are wondering what are these people? In my opinion they only use the energy around us without any restrictions—as we all could do if we start to really believe in our own power. How it is, what are these new magigans and why are they getting more and more publicity? ~Piia, Finland
* [The Urban Dictionary defines Magigan as:”the most of everything, the coolest of everything, the hottest person.”]
ANSWER: These people are souls having a physical experience who are just like you. They have devoted their lives to creating a series of illusions that appear to be magic but are a combination of sleight of hand and props. As you are watching any of their performances, they are using a lot of misdirection to get you spend time examining one thing while they are setting up their trick right in front of you but away from where you are directed to look.
We would like to be able to agree with you that they are just using the powers and abilities that are inherent in all souls, but alas, they are not. They are showmen. It is possible to perform these same feats manipulating energy, without trying to trick people into believing they are seeing the whole action of the performers instead of just what they are doing in front of you and not inside the hidden pockets, split sleeves, and inseams.
In the turmoil of your times there is a desire to believe in magic and to be able to do the seemingly impossible. People don’t take the time to become enlightened so that they may use their energetic powers. They find an easy way to just appear to do whatever they want to accomplish. The faith these people have in themselves is the knowledge that they have learned the trick well enough to fool the audience.
The magigans solicit and create the majority of the publicity because it means money to them. They will perform before huge crowds of people, on TV, on YouTube, and anywhere they can get people to gather. The Internet has taken several of them viral. They find a gimmick, such as Dynamo’s hip-hop appearance of overlarge clothes and dark demeanor, and parlay it into a brand that draws people and lookalikes, which then sells even more. They are extremely talented, but they haven’t tapped into their nonphysical abilities as yet. But then, people who do use their non-third-dimensional abilities have no desire to do so for the sake of third-dimensional ego.