Friends as angels
QUESTION: Masters, I believe I have an angel in my life in the body of a person I know. She introduced me to self-awareness, and I am grateful and have thanked her for putting things right and making me happy again. I hear her say to me, things happen for a reason. Could she possibly be my angel, and would she know?
ANSWER: Your friend and mentor is not currently doing the work of an angel (as in guardian angel). She is, however, participating in a contract with you that you both chose to enter into before coming to Earth. You knew that you were going to be a little slow on the uptake of self-awareness because of the other life lessons which you chose to have. Knowing this, you wanted someone you could depend upon to nudge you in the right direction when you were ready.
In your awakening state you sense that she is much more in tune with, and connected to, the energy of Source. This you are able to feel because she lets you sense the flow of her energy as it travels back and forth to Home. You have the same abilities within yourself and will not need her assistance once you reach the point of acceptance-and you are almost there.
You have spirit guides around who are assisting you, but the only thing that is real to you at the moment is this physical contact provided by your friend. Go into a quiet meditation, possibly right before sleep, or just as you exit the sleep cycle. Feel the presence of your guides around you and start a dialogue with them; they have been waiting.
On some level your mentor has the awareness that she is performing a pre-determined service for you, but she does not have a clue about the exact nature of it. She came to Earth with the same amnesia that plagues you. As you both grow in understanding of the reasons that you are in these lives, you will see that other contracts were made between you. Enjoy this life experience with your companion of choice!