Archive for November, 2019

Cancer cluster

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I am from a small village. It seems there is a lot of cancer cases. Is it something that people wanted to experience? Some emotional blocks and fears developed to illness? Many of these people are born after WW2 or children of these people who were in the war. Or is it some bad chemical or other things they were exposed during their best “working” times. ~Tea, FINLAND

ANSWER: Every soul brings to them the lessons they wished to experience. One of the ways to do this is to be in a situation where you will be exposed to something that will create the lesson you desire. The people who have gotten ill wanted to have some impediment that would present a challenge to them physically, mentally, and emotionally. The family and friends wished to observe their loved ones going through this event and learn from the same energies.

Your area is what is called a cancer cluster resulting from environmental issues. It has more than one cause and is plaguing only those wanting a challenge. It is possible to chase down the causes but that would not change the life lessons chosen. The same type of challenges can be experienced with other forms of disability.

Mother Earth, with the polluting abilities of humanity, is a test tube breeding ground allowing for souls to set up any type of situation needed by them for learning. From one event, hundreds of lessons can spring. Our learning is not limited to individual experiences but also those observed occurring to others.

See what is happening; see how various people handle the same situation differently. This will give you an idea how you could learn from the same type of event if it were presented to you. As a spiritual person, you can help those going through things. Send them unconditional love that they will understand why they chose this test and how to accomplish the desired education.

Is it all in my mind?

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, lately for some reason, I can feel people’s energy. Especially when it comes to my partner, my family and friends. I’m trying to work on my intuition by reading tarot cards on Internet. But at the same time, I wonder if it’s all in my mind. Today during a tarot card reading, I asked my guardian angel for some guidance and she told me to work on my energy and my mediumship. Now, I don’t know if it’s all in my mind. The first time I connected with my guardian angel, I asked her how I could become closer to her. And right after I have this message in my head “lapis lazuli” How could I possibly work on this? ~Mia, France

ANSWER: You are a piece of Source energy and have all the powers and abilities of Source. That means your essence has experience with total connection with the energies of all other souls, whether in physical or nonphysical status. You have begun to allow yourself to sense the presence and essence of the other souls sharing this lifetime with you.

It is easier to start with those with whom you spend the most time. You are sensing the essential soul within them, which provides a whole new manner of communication. You feel their moods, hopes, wishes, and desires.

Working with intuition, you open your “knowingness” to the energetic around you instead of just what is perceived by your human body’s natural senses. You are also tapping into your higher self, the usually unconscious aspect of yourself, which contains recordings of what you have learned in prior lives.

As you are sensing soul energies, you can also open yourself to the energies contained within physical substances such as crystals. Uniting with and taking in these energies can enhance your abilities. For most humans, lapis lazuli crystalline energy allows for a higher connection with nonphysical vibrations, aiding in spiritual growth through one’s intuition. You can delve deeper into your essence and have a larger understanding of your own energy. Your guide was trying to suggest a tool to assist you.

This is not all in your mind. The first step is to accept the possibility. Then believe you can connect; then move to a knowing it is within reach. Once there, start using the connections and you will find your intuition picks up on all the information you desire.

Mediumship has many definitions. It may be the action of channeling another soul through your physical body, or it may simply be allowing the energy within, from your essence, to come out. Stop analyzing and go with the flow of what you are doing. This is something you have done in many prior lives.

Global warming

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters is global warming a conspiracy theory or not? ~Anonymous, USA

ANSWER: Global warming, as a scientific action on planet Earth, is not a conspiracy theory. The twentieth century had the highest recorded temperatures in history. The glaciers are melting, causing the sea levels to rise and the waters to warm, thereby producing more cyclonic activity and forcing inclement weather further inland. Crops are being affected, forestation is burning at record percentages, and seasons as you know them are changing.

The problem children are gases being produced that change the atmosphere. The protective ozone layer around the planet, which shields you from the rays of the sun, is breaking apart. This allows in more radiation, which produces heat.

Global warming, unfortunately, is caused by the human race polluting the air and water with the byproducts of daily life and industry. It is fixable right now but in twenty years may pass the no-return state if nothing is done. The hang up is people not wanting to give up luxuries and industry not wanting to spend the money to reduce pollution from factories.

Those whose money is needed to make changes are the ones who are staunch supporters of global warming as a conspiracy theory. If they can convince the public that there is no such phenomenon, there will not be a clamoring for them to spend their profits to reduce the effects of their cash cows.