Archive for January, 2019

Negative attachments

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I have recently been introduced to the concept of negative attachments. These negative energetic beings act as parasites to humans who are not able to see them. They feed off of their hosts energy. It may cause physical or emotional distress to the human. Is this concept valid? If so, is there a way to discern if one may have a negative attachment? And how can you safely remove it? And recover from it? ~Anne, US

ANSWER: Negative attachments are discarnates who have passed out of their bodies but chosen for some reason not to go Home to the unconditional love. They need to influence a living person to be able to interact with the physical world. They will try to entice the human to allow them to enter their body, which they cannot do without some type of consent.

They will usually approach a person who is under the influence of some substance that lowers inhibitions. They will talk to them in their head and explain that they can be of assistance to the inebriated person if they are permitted to join with them. Another method of joining can be talking to them through a Ouija board. Once they are inside, it takes quite a bit of energy and will-power to get them out.

Another, less severe, negative attachment can come from contact with residual energy accumulated by a deceased person during their life. Someone who has spent their entire life in negative energy leaves a shadow of it when they go Home. This negativity is drawn to light and attaches to those who walk through it. This is easily removed using your intention to do so. You state your intention that it break up and return to the Earth.

There are also live people who are energy vampires. These are souls who crave positive energy and suck positivity out of a host, replacing it with negativity. To combat this, cover yourself with light to prevent further drainage and refill your unconditional love by drawing it from the universe.

If you sense that you might have an attachment, talk to your guides in meditation and ask them if there is one. If they reply in the affirmative, tell the attachment three times that you no longer permit it to be a part of you, and then ask your guides to help it return Home to the light.

Negativity also does not like open flames such as candles, incense, etc., and abhors the smell of burning sage. This will cause it to move on, if it is around, before it can affect you. To discourage vampires, surround yourself with love energy and ask your guides to help protect you.

Preparing for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

Each soul creates its own reality by the beliefs which it chooses to make a part of their day to day life. Most beliefs come from outside of the person but, by the use of affirmations, you can consciously create your own beliefs which become a part, consciously and unconsciously of your life.

You all understand that, with your innate powers as pieces of Source, you have the ability to manifest the world you desire. With this in mind, the Masters put their New Year’s resolution into an affirmation which can be printed out and kept in your diary, put on your mirror or refrigerator, or kept in your wallet and used until you accept and feel them working to create your reality. Look at them frequently. Read them when you need inspiration and you will create a path to understanding and wisdom.


  • Become aware of my true nature.
  • Love all souls, even those whose choice of lessons does not appeal to me.
  • Fully accept myself as I am, which is necessary for my chosen path.
  • Learn to banish fear so I can see the lesson within.
  • Understand my chosen lessons.
  • Trust the universe, knowing it will not send me more than I can endure.
  • Know I create my own reality and have the power to meet all my needs.
  • Release my ego to fully enjoy my soul’s unconditional love.
  • Commune daily in love with my soul’s companions.
  • Have faith in myself because I am divine.



New Year’s resolution

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

The following question and answer were received, answered, and printed on Dec 31, 2008. It seemed like a little reminder from a decade ago was in order – it is so very relevant to every year, decade, and century.

QUESTION: Masters, I know that human celebrations may seem a little artificial to you, being outside of planet Earth’s time zone. But the dawn of the calendar year, for us, is a time when we human beings like to make lists of “good resolutions.” We usually aim at things like losing weight, stopping smoking, and speaking nicely to our mother-in-law. If you were to make a list of good resolutions for humankind, what would it contain?

ANSWER: This question really started an interesting discussion among us. Our first point of interest was what we would consider a “good” resolution – you do know that we do not judge good, bad, or best. But then we laid semantics aside and dived into the issue. Our point of view was from a rather different perspective than yours might be: we looked from the angle of souls wishing to complete their mission to Earth. With that in mind, our list would read:

  1. To become aware of our true nature.
  2. To love all souls sharing this journey with us even when we do not like the nature of their chosen lessons.
  3. To accept ourselves fully as we are because it is necessary for the path we walk.
  4. To learn to banish all fear so we might see the lesson within.
  5. To understand the lessons we came to Earth to learn.
  6. To trust in the universe, knowing it will not give us more than we can endure.
  7. To have faith in our self because we are divine.
  8. To know we create our own reality, so we have the power to create what we need to complete our journey.
  9. To be able to release the human ego to enjoy fully the unconditional love of the soul.
  10. To live each day in communion with our fellow souls in unconditional love.

Happy Earth New Year to all!