Archive for October 16th, 2018


Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters why is there existence? Why is there a source? ~Raul, US

ANSWER: These things exist so that you might be. So that you have the ability to think these questions and to ask someone else about your feelings. Everything that you may perceive is energy, which is like an amorphous, formless cloud with no distinct characteristics visible to the human eye until it is deemed to be of benefit to an understanding of living.

The human body does not have form without entering the stage that your human body knows as planet Earth – the duality created as a classroom for learning. Source, god, the Creator is the point of origin – the beginning of this experiment, this awareness. Source just is. Only it knows how it came into existence.

Without the Source, there is nothingness. The consciousness of the rest of the pieces of soul in the universe all came from the Source. You and everyone else are pieces, or extensions, of the Source. So, you might say everything is Source.

The energy in the universe, Source, wanted to know what it was not. Its essence is unconditionally loving perfection with no negativity or judgment: no rating, grading, or limitations. To truly appreciate that magnificence, it needed to know what it was like to exist without its loving perfection.

To accomplish this feat, it could not subject its entirety to non-perfection because then it would have no untainted perfection remaining. So it broke off pieces of itself that could enter into the void and be used as a comparison for evaluation of what being imperfect looked and felt like.

The existence of souls having human experiences is the culmination of eternal wisdom attainment. Humans have choices, possess delving minds, create worlds to fit their inquiries about possibilities. Existence is the means to gathering the answers to all Source’s questions.

Dealing with lessons of others

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I have several difficult people in my family, mostly my mother and my sister. Both are very negative towards me, and my mother in particular is unkind, hurtful and selfish. I don’t understand what they are here to teach me, or how best to respond to them. I am so tired of being a victim, struggling to cope with the emotional impact of their lack of sensitivity or empathy. I feel very alone in the world I also have a severely depressed son who cannot find his way. I don’t know how best to support him or what to do for his benefit. The whole situation with family members is totally draining my energy and at times I wish to be out of this life. I wish to understand what the meaning of all this is. ~Rebecca, UK

ANSWER: You have two things influencing these family matters. First are the lessons each member of your family chose for this lifetime, and then the lessons you chose for yourself. They wanted to be in control over those around them and to be able to do whatever they wanted without interference. You wanted to see how long it would take you to realize your victim role and then how long to change your attitude toward it.

Your sister is merely following the example of your mother in how to deal with you. Your mother is very fearful about her lack of confidence and power, so she treats everyone as if she were the leader of the world and they should kowtow to her. Your reaction is one of choice. You may let the actions impact you, or you can step back and see them for what they are – the rantings of an unhappy person.

What someone says or does can affect you only if you allow it to. What you see happening in the world is a good example. The diseases, misfortune, nastiness, and worries of strangers will have no influence upon you unless you internalize them and accept that they should relate to you as well. Otherwise they have no more force against you than reading an article in a magazine or watching a movie.

You can reach this same distance with your family if you accept that they don’t have an effect on your life unless you allow their difficulties to enter into your life. Your son’s depression is a lesson that he has chosen. All you can do is be available to listen to him when he needs support. Let him know that the choices are his – and that he does have a choice to accept his condition in several different ways.

It is time to create the reality you desire. You will still be in the world with your family, but you can choose to move away from their negativity and enter a bubble of unconditional love. Your soul has an essence of love; go inside and spend time there until you convert your whole life into happiness.

Understanding the lesson of prosperity

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, what is necessary to attract the energy of prosperity in every way, mainly financially? I already feel prosperous and happy to get here! Bringing this awareness to me was liberating, I firmly believe that when we have all our basic needs met we can pursue other activities that will make us happy by exploring the things we love in a more joyful way and living only in the present moment. If I have complete freedom of choice to realize my plans I can choose to win the lottery I see one of these possibilities because it would be a resource to start and to be able to offer a service that my soul seeks, I am always open to new opportunities. Please clarify to me if I am blocking something, since I have been working to release many limiting beliefs in recent years for this my goal to manifest itself. ~Patricia, Brasil

ANSWER: You are blessed with a huge amount of prosperity – it just isn’t overdone in the financial aspects. In a duality and environment where souls go to experience all there is to see, not everyone can be wealthy and have everything they desire. Some have chosen other lessons to deal with, such as accomplishing their desires in work, family, and other areas of living.

Your spiritual growth has given you a sense of true prosperity, which is being able to create the world you desire. However, since you are still working on appreciating humanhood, you need to work with what you have and bring unconditional love into your being.

Life is restricted by the agreements and plans you made before you began it. That does not mean you can’t change some of those ideas, but you can only do that once you have fulfilled all your determined lessons. You are blocking the ability to totally change your plans by not understanding why you chose to have a limitation on your wealth. Not having “everything” has given you a sense of your own worth in securing your needs.

You are not lacking in anything you need, nor in anything you really desire – except unlimited finances. You are living a bit more in your expectations than in the present moment. The universe will help provide what you require to complete your work, but it will not give you all your possible imaginings. Your expectations could even reach to being queen of a country, being a fantastic opera singer, or possessing the ability to fly without a plane.

You don’t “need” any of those in this life you have chosen. Continue to create the things that increase your chances of accomplishing your life goals, but within the parameters of your current existence. Wealth is not totally out of the question, but right now it would be a hindrance to your continued growth.